Saturday, August 10, 2002

urgh. sneezing fit. urgh.
ah yes! i'm going to present my hypothsized model on how a relationship goes (non-platonic relationship)- extremely basic model as well:
stage 1 (hahahaha, reminds me of that person's model of development, yes, anyway, stage 1):
you see something new, interesting, intriguing, attractive about that person (be it a new or old friend) which triggers off this admiration in your heart. this admiration grows.
stage 2:
you enjoy the person's presence. trust develops. you get closer to the other person, learning stuff about him/her, slowly weaving yourself more and more into his/her life.
stage 3:
emotions get more intense. perhaps an uplifting of spirits when the person's around, perhaps the burst of energy to do what the other person wants to do as well even when one's feeling fatiqued. feel sad when the person feels sad. you wonder if there's anything more you can give to this relationship.
stage 4:
well, every graph will reach a peak and come down. stage 4 sees that you're getting a bit burned out from spending a lot of effort into keeping this relationship growing. have you perhaps given too much while in stage 3? not received enough? you keep it going anyway, believing that this is only a short phase which will pass soon.
stage 5:
slowly, you see the bad points of the wonder, what's so good about the person which has attracted you in the first place? (that's why they say love is blind...blind in the first few stages anyway) this stage shows us a test of your faith in the relationship and the person. most couples break out here. crushes die off as well. it tests the depth of your love as well. is your love only based on superficial qualities?
stage 6:
peaceful peaceful. the passion at first is gone, but can be easily built up again, this time with the foundation of trust and commitment. at this stage, most people would have matured, in the ways of building a relationship and keeping it true.

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