Thursday, August 08, 2002

by the way, those are the lyrics to E17 songs:)
the shorter one being one of the songs they wrote for their daughters:) such nice people:)
reading 'murder in mesopotamia' by agatha christie now...haha:) it's rather interesting actually..'cos it's from the view of a nurse...who was supposed to be taking care of this lady who suffers from 'terrifying hallucinations' *grInz* what's amusing about it is that the nurse is rather...well, human. critical of people and everything else. and some of her actions. in the meantime, you can note the seriousness in which she treats situations and such:) a rather nice book that allows you to see from another person's point of view:)
speaking of points of view... well, it's really so true that when you're sad, you zero in onto depressing items...and this makes everything worse. but when you're happy (like me right now, haha:) you find that many things you were upset about seem a tad trivial. and then u can be more amused over it:)
was teaching myself how to properly read the scores and everything today...from this book for beginners for piano or something. haha:) the very beginning:) when you learn to play 'cde, edc, cdef, fedc, cdefgfedc' for the right hand and 'cba, abc, cbag, fabc, cbagfgabc' for the left hand:) *grInz* couldn't really figure out how to read the scores for the left hand once i read another score book...until i got out of sze's house and it dawned on me how to read it. how stupid of me:)
celebrated miss lee's birthday today...she sincerely believed we wanted a bio remedial. hahhaa:) then she seemed rather delighted when we sang her the happy birthday song and gave her the quiche and card and stuff:)
*grInz* we have such interesting teachers:):):)

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