Friday, November 30, 2007

Saw this.

NEW YORK (Reuters Life!) - How much children focus on having the latest gadgets and designer gear may have more to do with their self-esteem than peer pressure, targeted marketing or bad parenting, researchers said.

In two studies reported in the Journal of Consumer Research, they found that materialism spikes in early adolescence and declines by the end of high school, mirroring the years children are most prone to teen angst.

Between the ages of 12 and 13 children try to compensate for low self-esteem through material goods that they think will make themselves feel better, or that they think will raise their status among their peers.

"While peers and marketing can certainly influence teens, materialism is directly connected to self-esteem," said Professor Deborah Roedder John of the University of Minnesota,

"As parents, if we understand that, it helps us cope with the frustrating experience of having a 12, 13 or 14 year-old who is always asking us to buy them expensive clothes, and expensive computer equipment," she added in a media interview.

John and co-researcher Lan Nguyen Chaplin also showed that giving children positive signals from their peers can boost their self-esteem and lower levels of materialism.

They brought the children together in a summer camp setting and asked them to write down positive adjectives about their peers, such as "smart" or "fun". When the 12 and 13 year-olds read the pleasing descriptions of themselves, it drastically reduced the high levels of materialism.

John and Chaplin measured self-esteem by asking the children to rank to what extent they felt phrases such as "I feel good about myself", or "I'm just as good as anyone else" applied to them.

To find out how materialistic a child was, the researchers asked them to make up a collage to answer the question "What makes me happy."

The children that chose more material goods such as money or brand names over sentiments such as being with friends or no homework were seen as having higher levels of materialism.
I'm sometimes critical.
Not all the time. Most of the time I give people lots of benefits of the doubts. Most of the time I give myself the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes I indulge a little in allowing myself to be slightly more lazy, slightly more ill-disciplined, slightly more slackish, slightly more...
There are other times when my half-perfectionist slightly critical attitude grab the whole of me and question. Questioning about the standard of the work I do. Questioning about the right-ness of the state of my heart. Questioning about the standard towards God or people that some people give.
Critical towards others. Critical towards self.
Pray that this critical attitude will propel me towards much action.
I took a walk from engine classroom to the psychology department just now, so as to hand in my rp forms. My thoughts and the wind was my company.
In my heart, I am a biology student. In terms of competence, I'm a language student. I pick up languages easily. When we talk about interest, I'm a psychology student. I love to study the behaviour of people. especially deviant people. no. i don't like to study all deviant people. i'm particularly interested in disorders. I don't like to study about anti-social-ness.
And on my I walked. With the wind that accompanies. I thought of how true it is that the higher you go, the wind blows all the harder. In terms of education level, societal strata.. the opposition that comes at you comes all the harder. The contradictions of the world blows all the more. At first it's a comfortable opposition.. but as the strength increases, it becomes cold, biting and uninviting. And then you start to wonder why you're up there in the first place. Though upon further thought, you start to think that it's not such a bad thing. You get comfortable with the extra space, you start to get used to the intensity of the wind.. you start to feel comfortable with the foresight that you're given to critically evaluate things around you. Though sometimes you miss the hustle and the cosiness of being with everyone down below, you start to understand that it's a privilege to be away from it.
You know that you can pretend that what was down below satisfies you.. you can cover it up. but gradually, you see that it doesn't satisfy you. It's not enough to satisfy you.. because that is not what God has created you to do. God has created you for greatness, and you settle for the measly. God has created you to be an eagle.. you'll never be satisfied being a chicken.
Wanted to go home after praying for melody.. to take my pink rp forms and the notebook in which i've drawn the adolescent overview mindmap in.
this morning upon further checking ard my belongings, i found the rp form. pens dropped at the side, which enabled me to discover my ex-japanese studies notebook (which has my adolescent overview mindmap inside..)
which means..
thank God! i don't have to travel home and come back.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Brought the clothes but forgot to bring what was most important - contact lens case.
Brought adolescent psy textbook, checked mail for script, replied mail about pilot testing, and forgot what was most urgent to be brought to school - my rp participants form. ah.
i see benaiah with food. hahaa.
yawning away here:) but relatively excited about tmr's trauma psy exam.. don't think i'm mad.. but trauma exam (despite the literal and figurative 'heaviness' of the contents) is one exam that i have been looking forward to. i guess disorders and these kinda things interest me. hohoho.
looking forward to tomorrow because it signifies the start of four days which i can take to slowly study and digest my adolescent notes!:) hahaa. and the textbook:) having fun material (e.g. trauma psy) to study ain't exactly very fun if you don't get the chance to slowly digest it. haha.
on another note.
i'm not gay. but i still love darren hayes' music. hahaa =)
ooh. it's 1am.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Thought this was quite interesting :)

"Be sure your sins will find you out."

The story is told of a young actor who was trying to impress an important movie director. The actor wanted to send an expensive gift, but he didn't have the money, but he had an idea. If he could find a valuable vase which was already broken and get it at a very small cost, then he could mail it to the director. He would think it had gotten broken in the mail and would be impressed anyway.

So this actor went to an exclusive store and found a vase that had been broken into many pieces. It was just going to be thrown out, so he was able to get it at a very small cost. He told them to wrap it up and send it and gave them the address. He waited to hear from the director, but heard nothing for several days. Finally he sent a telegram: "Did vase arrive?" Shortly he received this response: "Vase arrived. But why was each piece wrapped separately?"2

As Abraham Lincoln said, "You may fool all the people some of the time, you can even fool some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time."

But with God we can never fool him any of the time. "Be sure your sins will find you out"—mine too!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I miss you greatly.
I miss your greeting when I come back.
I miss seeing the shape of you.
I miss your presence.
I miss sitting beside you, enjoying your silent company.
I miss watching you eat, watching you drink, watching you sit there in great patience looking at what's around you.
I miss your touch.
I miss the softness of you.
I miss trying to figure out what you need and what you want.
I miss you jumping onto my bed and trying to squeeze in beside me.
I miss carrying you out of my room when you try to scratch my bags.
I miss stroking your head and just sitting in the living room contemplating about things that happen.

never knew there were such things as social escorts in singapore. think i'm pretty slow in this:S got quite stunned when i searched for the website and looked under the description for the girls.. it's like high class prostitution.. legalized :S
so scary. and most of them are undergraduates or graduates. o.O
i think it's important for us to guard our hearts, especially during exam time :) hahaha.

Monday, November 26, 2007

the song 'hosanna' has been on my mind for a while now. decided to go and look for the lyrics online, stumbled unto the youtube video for it as well. so went to take a look at it.
listening to the song, i really wanted to lift my hands up and worship him here. lots of things just went through my mind. hosanna means 'save now'. it could be because of the videos on rape and trauma victims which i have been watching for these two days, in part to study for my trauma exam.. or it could be because i met hf in the afternoon and shared what i was convicted about, or it could be because it's exam time.. but the song touched me in a new way today. so did the chapter on philippians 4.
-break my heart for what breaks yours
everything i am for Your kingdom's cause
as i walk from earth unto eternity-

and i do see a generation, rising up to take their place.. in selfless faith.
in selfless faith.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Haven't had a chance to blog about my irp report:)
Think it's been the focus of my entries for the past 2 weeks or so as the report is being written up.
It's been a love-hate relationship with it. At first I loved it. I enjoyed during up the test, enjoyed booking labs and liasing with people (though it's a little troublesome..), enjoyed learning new things, enjoyed meeting the participants and testing them, enjoyed the little hectic times of going for experiment in the morning and classes in the afternoon.
And then the writing of the report starts. There was frustration (in trying to remember how to write the report), denial (that there's a report to be written), irritation (when you try to write the report but nothing comes out), gratefulness (when dr tan gives direction, when other people encourage you), helplessness (when you wonder what to do with your data and what tests to use), strong disdain (when your report drags for a long time and you start to wonder why you're spending so much time doing it instead of studying for your exams.. the report is 70% of the module, microbes exam was also 70% of the module.. lol) and loneliness (when everyone else is studying for their exams and you're STILL doing your report.. ).
i thought i would be relieved when it's over, or happy, or glad, or sad. some explosive emotion which will manifest itself in exaggerated speech and action. but at the end of it all, it just came with a silent acknowledgement. 'oh, it's over. i've finished it'.
and at that moment, i wish that i can do my own experiment again, go through the whole experience again.. incorporating the many things which i've learned along the way.
hope that i can have the chance to do it again in year 4. i'm going to do literature review and formulate the topic through the sem next year (for interest's sake) and hopefully i can go on to do ism under dr tan again in year 4. yup:)
the tale of genji is quite addictive. hahaa. first novel in the world!
u can read it here.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

I am joyful that I can claim the fact that God is my banner!
claiming the character of God. that He is my victor. He is my victory. He has conquered and brings me to conquer.
I am more than a conqueror through Christ.
I refuse to let my stupid IRP report conquer me.
I refuse to be defeated by the report.
I refuse to let my inadequacies and lack of knowledge in this area deter me from writing the report and finishing the report with joy and strength from God.
I refuse to let the circumstances bring me down and cause me to be all down and out.

exams got no kick ah. maybe that's why God sent over a report to test me. hahaha. 'cos exams got no kick. hahaa.
the whole exam period is now more like a battlefield to me. exciting. haha. I can be physically tired from lack of sleep, mentally tired from churning out a lot of things, emotionally tired from not seeing my efforts for irp being reflected on paper.
I REFUSE TO LET GO OF GOD'S PROMISE IN THIS. That He who has overcome the world is greater than He who is in the world.
I refuse to be spiritually tired. I refuse to let go of the strength of God which empowers me to do things beyond my natural limit.

what flavor pocky are you?

[c] sugardew

You Are Flan Pocky

Your attitude: modern and offbeat
East meets west... sweet meets salty.
You're a pro at bringing unusual combos together!
All being said. I think the anime is nc16. hahaa
I was watching the second season of Genshiken.. episode 5. Was reading from the comments that they've turned this episode of Genshiken into a shonen-ai/yaoi one. and I was contemplating if i should continue to watch it.
the start was fine.. until oguie-san kept fantasizing about the guys around her and bringing into funny relationships. haha. in a sense, it's funny when you compare it to the original innocent characters who probably have no idea of what's going on in her head. in another sense, it causes me to shiver because it's quite suggestive.
genshiken's about the otaku culture in japan btw. should have expected yaoi/yuri to appear sooner or later.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Scriptwriting is causing me to be mel. hahaa.
and i'm still sick.
and tired.
hahaa. not sick and tired of something.
just sick.
and tired.

原来不是白就是黑 只不过是天真的以为
要醉得清醒 要无辜的犯罪 现实的世界只有灰
坚强得太久好疲惫 想抱爱的人沉沉的睡
卷来的风暴 凶猛里有种美 死了心 痛就没有感觉
灰色空间 我是谁 记不得幸福是什么滋味
无路可退 妳是谁 怎么为我流泪
梦见发着光的草原 一身伤回到很久以前
我选择不恨 带着平静走远 醒来后 夜还是长夜
灰色空间 我是谁 记不得幸福是什么滋味
无跟可退 妳是谁 怎么为我流泪 紧抱着我流泪
sneezing away. haha.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

-and with the heavens we declare
You are our King-

heh. when you have a lack of sleep, your linguistic abilities follow your sense of hearing down the drain. My ears started to buzz around 5+ in the morning, alongside with numbing of some of the fingers. Surprisingly, I got pretty alert around then too. Alert enough to figure out what the webpage about the Mann Whitney test was talking about and to joke around with isobel. hahaa.
Woke up at 8.50am because of my alarm, partly also 'cos of the cold. I feel relatively awake, despite the amount of sleep that I've had for the previous three nights. Yet I can't help having the notion at the back of my mind that something within my brain has gone through a compromise in exchange for the lack of sleep. Or perhaps it's my health.
I don't think I've had such another episode of such sleep deficit since Alpha camp days. haha.

Monday, November 19, 2007

tracy wacy has posted up a bumper sticker of mark wahlberg in my facebook. haha. i still have the card cum poster from sec 3:P HIDDEN in my drawer =) hahaa.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Do you know the fuzzy wuzzy game?

Fuzzy Wuzzy likes to be silly, but doesn't like to be serious.
Fuzzy Wuzzy likes to sleep, but doesn't like to be awake.
Fuzzy Wuzzy likes to see people suffer, but doesn't like it when people enjoy themselves.
Fuzzy Wuzzy is not sadistic and doesn't like to torture people.. but he likes to kill people for fun.
Fuzzy Wuzzy is not crazy, not mad, just slightly off in his brain connections.
Fuzzy Wuzzy likes the umbrella, but doesn't like the rain. He doesn't like the sun either.. Nor does he like a cloudy day.
Fuzzy Wuzzy likes to go swimming, likes to go running, but doesn't like skating or kayaking.
Fuzzy Wuzzy likes Frozz, but doesn't like Clorets.
Fuzzy Wuzzy doesn't like Weiling. Doesn't like me. Doesn't like Jan. Doesn't like Guanrui. Likes Michelle. Likes Swee Leong. Likes Tjeekai.
Fuzzy Wuzzy likes noodles, but doesn't like donuts. Likes vanilla, but doesn't like chocolate. He likes strawberry too :)
Fuzzy Wuzzy likes the module Language and Cognitive Processes and Issues for development, but doesn't like Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Introduction to Trauma Psychology and lots more other modules available.

Have you figured out what Fuzzy Wuzzy likes?
-Jesus conquered the grave
Saviour He can move the mountains
my God is mighty to save
He is mighty to save
Forever Author of salvation
He rose and conquered the grave
Jesus conquered the grave-

I'm in the exam classroom with three mad people. hahaha.
and ghost hound as an anime is pretty inaccurate in portraying clinical psychologists O.o

Friday, November 16, 2007

I'm thinking of:
1) Sleep
2) Cutting my hair
3) Changing my specs
4) How egocentric blogs are
5) Bathing
6) IRP
7) Waraku
8) Brushing my teeth
9) Scriptwriting
10) TGIF
11) Contact list for counter
12) Presentation next tuesday.
Be strong!
We are not here to play,
to dream, to drift;
We have hard work to do
and loads to lift
Shun not the struggle-
face it; 'tis God's gift.

Be strong!
It matters not how deep
intrenched the wrong,
How hard the battle goes,
the day how long;
Faint not -- fight on!
Tomorrow comes the song.

-Be strong!
Maltbie Davenport Babcock
hmmmmm. my brain is well rested after two days of hibernation and hide-and-seek with the irp report. hahaa. i don't know why it's causing me so much trouble :P usually i finish reports within 5 hours - 1 week. hohoho. this one took me more than 3 weeks O.o
i've got lots of thoughts. hahaa. had lots of thoughts in the afternoon.. but they've all nicely evaporated into the air :)
just like how ethanol can vaporize very easily.
where's cafe iguana? hahaa. yizhong! this is a reminder to you to help me find out where merchant road is :) thanks =] hahaa. ian was saying that they sell tequilas and margaritas and i was like thinking about how i've never tried tequila or tequila based drinks before O.o i'm usually stuck with vodka. hohoho.
i was thinking about age and maturity in general. like how maturity doesn't come with age, and age doesn't signify your maturity.. though we'll expect an older person to be more mature and all. And i was thinking about how troublesome social rules are.. and how they are certain kinds of people you'll like to know more about, but probably can't 'cos of a different life station, or different age (okay.. maybe not so much of age).. more of life stations i suppose. and this is especially troublesome if it's a person who's not in church. hahahaa. i mean, in Hope we have the mutual understanding that we can always learn from everyone.. like everyone's part of the family, so regardless of the age group or life station you belong to, all of us have the same heartbeat and it's this heartbeat that brings people together.. despite all the differences. but if the person's not in your peer group, it's kinda much harder.. 'cos gotta go through all the social rules and whatnots. it frustrates me sometimes 'cos i like to know people. not just know.. but know, as in, to know them deeper, to know how they feel about certain things. well.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

hehe. fatigue is setting in. I think I've had increased cortisol level for a few days now.. so when it suddenly drop in level, the decrease in the coversion of glycogen to glucose results in slight fatigue. my body is telling me to rest.
hehe. i didn't hand up my irp in the end. I thought I've got everything I need to finish up the report.. then I realised that I don't know how to classify my dear participants into their various L1 or L2.. rather, there's not really a way to just classify them like this.. I can go by their home language I suppose.. not very sure. Asking Dr Tan soon..
hehehe. and Dr Tan very nicely extended my draft dateline till next Monday.. I was quite exhilerated when I saw the email just now at HQ :) hahaa. but then I realised that I've got TONS to do in these few days as well.. so it won't make much of a difference:) but really thank God for Dr Tan. hahaa. when i received the email, i wanted to reply with..
and I was happily exclaiming 'Dr Tan I love you! wahaha.'
but. as I think she'll probably freak out if I reply with such a response.. so I decided not to :)
anyway, point is. she's one of the nicest lecturers i've ever encountered before:) very similar to miss christine lee. hehehe. both lecturers are competent in their areas of interest as well=]
i've met very nice lecturers this semester:) nice TAs too. hahaa. like my adolescent psy TA - lee li neng.. he's always prepared with a proper lesson plan.. and can tell he makes the effort to prepare by the slides he's made, as well as the youtube videos he show us.. haha. this is the first time i've seen youtube videos in tutorial classes. haha.
my microbes lecturer as well:) he's super amusing. and super non-condemning.
i think nice lecturers motivate you to study better, ya? It's like an extra external motivation:)
for me, i like the process of doing things, or learning things much better than the end results. but having nice lecturers make striving for the end results a tad easier and more enjoyable:)
thanks to isobel as well:) she really encouraged me greatly in 2 aspects - 1) when i realise that I'm not the only one who hasn't finished my report.. and she told me that there's possibility of asking for extension and 2) when she sent me messages to encourage me:) the correspondence of smses and msn chats encouraged me greatly 'cos here's someone who's going through something similar with me. we're fighting together!:)

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

i was just joking with joyce that if they don't want to accept my late submission for irp.. then i'll just fail the module happily. then i'll get all As for next sem and offset this balance 'cos i'm taking cognitive psy and japanese next sem. hahaha.
then joyce says 'ehh..' she don't know what she says. hahahaha.
i'll rather have tests (like calyn) than have a st

My mum used to play the violin. until her violin perished.. in the same fire that took away their house.
this is amusing to say.. but there's this one soul who has been going through my archives :)
how inadequate my knowledge of the things that matter to me.

Monday, November 12, 2007

macabre dance of a solitary death - the world will never understand.
this phrase keeps coming back to me after i watched the child abuse video:) hahaa. the second part of the phrase.. the world will never understand.
the macabre dance of a solitary death is meant to symbolize a gruesome suicide btw:P
looking forward to tomorrow:) hahaa.
i think i was stressing myself out happily over the irp. then i realised that i didn't have to. lol. yes, i would have liked to do a dozen different analysis.. and actually a lot more can be covered.. but since i dun have the time, nor the knowledge and experience, i shall leave it as such :) yup. still got tons to go though. hahaa.
exciting exciting exciting. i really can't wait for exams... the nostalgic smell (haha) of the engine hallways.. the days when i can study and do things at my own pace. yay. exams are usually the free-est time of the year for me:) hahaa.
i'm definitely taking japanese lang 1 next sem, anyone wanna take with me?:) in saying so, i'm forfeiting my english studies minor. hehe. awww. and taking cognitive psychology. i've waited 1 whole year for winston goh. hope he's teaching next sem.. or else i will really faint. hahaa.
Isn't it ironic how your productivity goes down if you're too stressed? Ironic 'cos when you're very stressed, it's usually 'cos you need to complete something fast or need to do something excellently.. and that's when you'll need your productivity to go up instead of it going down.
vicious cycle ah? need to finish work by a certain dateline --> inability to concentrate+low productive levels+ avoidance symptoms --> greater need to finish work by a certain dateline --> more behavioural and emotional manifestations of stress --> so on and so forth.
it spirals down and down and down instead of lifting you out of the situation :)
You Are An ISFJ

The Nurturer

You have a strong need to belong, and you very loyal.
A good listener, you excel at helping others in practical ways.
In your spare time, you enjoy engaging your senses through art, cooking, and music.
You find it easy to be devoted to one person, who you do special things for.

In love, you express your emotions through actions.
Taking care of someone is how you love them. And you do it well!

At work, you do well in a structured environment. You complete tasks well and on time.
You would make a good interior designer, chef, or child psychologist.

How you see yourself: Competent, dependable, and detail oriented

When other people don't get you, they see you as: Boring, dominant, and stuck in a rut

ho? not bad wor. i'll prefer it when other people give me datelines, yet i'm still flexible within my datelines. ha ha ha ha ha.
so vague though. ha ha ha ha ha.
i'm singing a song of insanity
won't you come and sing with me?
dada dadada da da da
dadada dada da da da

when i go mad, i will sing sing sing
when things go bad, i will sing sing sing

my stats are driving me down a path
a path of no return
my stats are singing victory
as i go into delirium

coffee, tea, chips and me
(coffee, tea, chips and me)
won't you sing this song with me?
(won't you sing this song with me?)

row row row your boat
gently down the stream
merrily merrily merrily merrily
merrily merrily merrily merrily
merrily merrily merrilyyyy merri..
and then. they'll see a waterfall
life is a such a scream :D yay!
be a man. do the right thing.
be a (woahhhhh)man, do the right thing.
spss is
red, gray, boxy, troublesome
gives me a headache.

irp is so
fun, taxing, individual
ah. forget 'bout it.

i really can't wait for tuesday to come. because that's when i have to hand in my irp report, which is last assignment of the whole entire sem for me.. the assignment that i find is the hardest and most troublesome to do. hoho hoho. but it got me to appreciate so many things so much more.
i'll give another verdict on it another day. when i'm not buried by the thoughts of having to do the report, and the impending doom that awaits me if i don't go back to it soon :)
ohoh. but that doesn't discount the fact that my supervisor is very nice. so is steph who helped at the start to iron out funny things. hehehe.
i need to continue to grow in pro-activeness. or else i will kill myself at the end of the day :)
i just hope i dun get killed after this :) hahaa.
report. hand up. then it's back to plain old exams. literally. plain. and old.
thank God for the ginseng tea i found in the kitchen. thank God for my dad who helped me buy coffee and chips when i thought he wasn't going to. hahaa. thank God for my understanding sheep:) and my interesting cg members. hahaa.
thank God for Dr Why who intro-ed the stats textbook in his module. i think if i dun have it with me now.. i will really will myself into comatose. hahaa.
can i take my brains out and cool them in the fridge before putting them back? my eyes as well?

listen here! to the song of a mad man.
harken! he sings of your destiny.
hasten away! for his song will and can

i can't think of the last line.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Jigoku shoujo futakomori episode 11 talks about 2 misconceptions of food feeding towards cats!:) hahaha.
finally! an anime that depicts that feeding milk to cats is bad for them =)

Saturday, November 10, 2007

I finished my last presentation today :) Microbes presentation. Had trauma presentation and adolescent test on wed. Had language presentation last wed.
I liked my microbes presentation:) hehehe. I think it went well:) Thanks to the audience who was supportive. hahaa.
Had been feeling rather drained in the past week or so. My prayer for renewal and strength and help has remained with me in the past week. I'll wake up in the morning (e.g. this morning), hoping that i have more time to sleep, hoping that i don't have to go for presentation rehearsal:) hahaa. i woke up on thurs morning wondering why i didn't just stay at home to study. hahaha.
but i'm always blessed after i make the decision to get up and go (sometimes with little resistance, sometimes only after many times of succumbing back to the bed). studied together with jalea and yizhong yesterday:) i thought it felt kinda like an outing as well. hahaha. doing work at starbucks was quite good too:) haha. and today's presentation rehearsal was enjoyable:)
i think i really thank God for my project group members this sem.. i either have a major project, or have to present about a journal at every tutorial for three out of four of my modules.. so project work was really a significant component in my modules this semester. hahaa. my project group members may not be the most choleric and hardworking people.. haha. but they're relatively consistent and helpful.. and easy going:) and we get the thing done in the end, enjoying the process we go through as well. i enjoyed it anyway :)
got two emails from psych undergrad enquiries about two internship opportunities.. one at mediacorp and one at singapore pools. hahaa. i was particularly interested in the one under the department of tv mobile. haha. job scope includes:
1) Project Based Production / Programming / Promotions jobs

2) Reviewing of New Programs

3) Television Management

interesting ya?
but the hours are from 9-6.30pm. faint. hahaha.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

-nobody knows
how weak I am
better than You..
and nobody sees
all of my needs
better than You
and nobody has the power to change to me
to be what I was born to be
Jesus be strong, in my weakness
empower me-

Sent a message to Dr Tan 'cos I can't complete my draft and I asked if I can send her a draft of the full paper by next Monday instead ('cos wed got presentation and test and friday comes another presentation..).
Hope she doesn't kill me. And hope she doesn't think that I'm taking her niceness for granted:S
ah. if i do an irp again, or ism.. I think i'll need to really start everything earlier!
i feel quite motivated to continue on with my irp. brain is moving once again as well:) Shall do as much as I can as long as I'm awake!
it's not a good feeling to ask for extension and definitely not a good feeling to be unable to complete something on time. hohoho.
but it's what i learn from it that matters more:) and what i do after learning from the experience. yes. so i will learn to start things earlier (especially for research stuff), as well as to learn to appreciate people who're doing research or writing papers(and their supervisors who supervise them).
And i can't rest my mind. hohoho.
drank 1/3 of the macs coffee (no sugar, no milk) just now and my brain refuses to shut down even as it's blankig (blanking) out. it keeps thinking about the introduction, the methodology and discussion (O.o). i can't seem to write the discussion without writing .. ahh. i can't seem to write about the introuduction (introduction) witout (wh-X without) writing about the discussion too.
My brain is officially fried. I don't think I've fried it so nicely before. hahaha.
I can't even type sentences properly. have to make the effort to look through my orthographic output lexicon to find words to put in a proper statement. my brain processes have slowed down so much i can feel orthographic output buffer working... trying hard to retain the chosen words in memory so as to arrange them O.o
I'm yawning, but I don't feel the fatigue (brain is struggling with the need to place the letters in the right position too.. keep spelling words wrongly.. or forgetting to add in 's'..). my head feels black. no. my head feels p. no.. my head feels blak. no. my head feels blank. maybe i shld analayse. no. aa. no. analyse. my own resul. no. my own mistakes in typig. no. typng. no typing one day when i'm free an . no. and awake. and alett. no. alert.
shucs. no. shucks. i think i shld take a nap (but i'm fewarful tt i.. no i'm scared/ worried tt i won't be abl to wake up in i. no. in time to inish. no. finish thedraft up.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

i nearly fainted when i went to recheck my recordings for irp and found almost all the files empty. then i restarted the comp. and it remained empty O.o
then i went to check the recycle bin and found them all there. hahaa. deleted them during the preparation for tgif, thinking that they were sound files from the kindergarten testings:S
do you know that if you let your thoughts run and just write it all down or type it once a day or so.. you'll actually be able to think faster and connect your dots better as well?
that's what i read in 250 tips for speakers in this pdf book by some eric guy who's supposed to be able to speak really well. he has a website as well.

"but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint"
- Isaiah 40:31

holding on to this verse. Feeling a little sian diao because of irp report.. wanted to start on it on friday but i realised that all of a sudden, i am partially clueless as to what i really want to find and what's so important about my results. hurhur. maybe it'll help to shed some more light into the nature of bilingualism? or to help in supporting some cognitive model about language? i have no idea. i have some notions about running away, some notions about giving up, some notions about just failing this module and giving up honours all together.
"even youths grow tired and weary"
a weary heart and mind, which in turn produces a weary body:)
"but those who hope in the Lord"
hoping in the Lord. trusting in His providence. trusting that His strength is sufficient for me. learning to lean on Him for what i lack. praying to Him for wisdom. praying for Him to give me joy in doing the task. praying for Him to help me see a bigger picture of what my research entails. hoping in the Lord.
hoping in the Lord helps you to look upwards. it's so true that when you look at the circumstances around you, you'll be easily swallowed up by it. so true that when you want to do a good report because of the grades or because of your nice supervisor, you'll be easily stressed out to an unhealthy degree.
"Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men" Eph 6:7.
but when i turn the perspective and remember that i'm doing the irp so that i can honour God even in my studies, i feel lighter. just do my best, let God do the rest.
"Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength"
renew. in the old testament, the Hebrew word for it was 'chalaph'. sprouting out.
something new from what was not there before.
help me to soar on wings like eagles.. who lean on the currents on the wind to bring them higher and higher.
everyone have their own strengths and weaknesses. i have my own as well. and in my weakness, i thank God for the availability of His strength.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

watashi wa honto nemui desu.
je suis (sleepy). hahaa. i dunno what sleepy in french is.