Friday, November 30, 2007

I took a walk from engine classroom to the psychology department just now, so as to hand in my rp forms. My thoughts and the wind was my company.
In my heart, I am a biology student. In terms of competence, I'm a language student. I pick up languages easily. When we talk about interest, I'm a psychology student. I love to study the behaviour of people. especially deviant people. no. i don't like to study all deviant people. i'm particularly interested in disorders. I don't like to study about anti-social-ness.
And on my I walked. With the wind that accompanies. I thought of how true it is that the higher you go, the wind blows all the harder. In terms of education level, societal strata.. the opposition that comes at you comes all the harder. The contradictions of the world blows all the more. At first it's a comfortable opposition.. but as the strength increases, it becomes cold, biting and uninviting. And then you start to wonder why you're up there in the first place. Though upon further thought, you start to think that it's not such a bad thing. You get comfortable with the extra space, you start to get used to the intensity of the wind.. you start to feel comfortable with the foresight that you're given to critically evaluate things around you. Though sometimes you miss the hustle and the cosiness of being with everyone down below, you start to understand that it's a privilege to be away from it.
You know that you can pretend that what was down below satisfies you.. you can cover it up. but gradually, you see that it doesn't satisfy you. It's not enough to satisfy you.. because that is not what God has created you to do. God has created you for greatness, and you settle for the measly. God has created you to be an eagle.. you'll never be satisfied being a chicken.

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