Saturday, August 10, 2002

Astronomers and amateur comet watchers alike are excited about the upcoming Perseid meteor shower as Earth begins a three-day trek through a particularly dusty section of space.
The annual voyage is marked by shooting stars streaking across the pre-dawn skies.
The summer peak will be in the early morning hours Monday and Tuesday and is expected to be more intense than usual as Earth plows through a portion of the sky littered with rocky debris from Comet Swift-Tuttle, which is disintegrating slowly as it orbits the sun.
Space weatherman Bill Cooke at the Marshall space center said to expect a peak of about 150 meteorites an hour -- enough to delight sky-watchers but not too intense to worry owners of expensive satellites, which could be damaged by a meteorite impact.

wonderfuL:) there's another piece of news about this person leaving a patient open on the operation table and went out for a deposit. stupid person. but it cost him his license. hah. poor person on the operation table. man. it's still the most stupid thing i've ever heard.
something i find really close to heart in darren's interview...*grInz*:)
HUGEmusic: Is there anything over the time of your career that, if given the opportunity, you would do over or differently?
Darren Hayes: I don't regret… that's the thing! I think that everything you do in your life happens to you for a reason and yeah we've all had uncomfortable moments in our lives and sad moments but they make you stronger and every step that I've made it has led to the next step and even if the next step you stood back and think well I'll do that differently next time and then you've learned that lesson. so even a mistake is helpful to me.
well, he voiced out how i feel. wonderful person:)
time's passing really slowly today. i feel as if i've been online for an eternity...ah wellz. shall go off. so boring. back to more geog notes again.

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