Sunday, August 25, 2002

i'm positively entertained.

Sun in Pisces:
Your spirituality and faith in God give you an ethereal quality which can inspire others.

Mercury in Aries:
You express yourself quickly, clearly and directly. You come right to the point.

Venus in Pisces:
Your love nature is soft, tender and romantic. You willingly do anything for the one you love.

Mars in Sagittarius:
You seek the truth in all matters. You welcome a challenge and take a stand for your beliefs and principles.

Jupiter in Pisces:
You are divinely inspired and know that everything works out for the best.

Saturn in Sagittarius:
You assume your responsibility to live according to your principles and be loyal to the truth.

Uranus in Sagittarius:
Your philosophy is advanced in its humanitarian concepts. You extend your love of freedom to everyone.

Neptune in Capricorn:
You are inspired to bring God into traditional areas of activity--to bring faith to the business world, to bring the spiritual to the government.

Pluto in Scorpio:
All your programming undergoes a metamorphosis. With you it's all or nothing. You have the opportunity to die to the old self and re-emerge reborn.

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