Saturday, August 25, 2012

The days of long ago - Xin Ying (25/08/12)

We started out with differences
As most friendships do
Ours, however, went much deeper
I'm sure you felt it too
But forced we were, to set things right
we sat and talked through many nights
the tears were shed, the shoutings done
and soon the peace begun
For years it was, four years it was,
the friendship firmed and stood
support you gave, the things i've learned
in the days of long ago.

but now, my dear friend,
what happened? what gave?
what war that raged? and to what end?
that caused your crumbling faith?
how could it be
after all you've seen
the things He's brought you through
deny in your heart
declare in your life
that He no longer lives in you?
what happened to you, my mentor my friend,
to the vision we heldthe race we're running
the covenant bound by blood.
what happened to the days we served
the people we loved
only by His strength upheld.
what happened to the you I knew
from the days of long ago?

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