Sunday, August 26, 2012

Corrinne May - Crooked Lines

He turns our groaning into perfect rhyme
hidden by the veil of time
the wisdom of His love's design
God writes straight with crooked lines

the topic of pain is something that resonates very strongly with me, partly cos I'm closely accustomed to it, and partly cos I see it much in the people whom I see.
was touched by the testimonies today, partly cos I wasn't expecting the testimonies, partly cos of the familiarity of the topic. i guessed many times when I'm doing counselling, i needed to suspend my own emotions and reactions and focus fully on my clients, but there're times when i forget to attend to those suspended emotions and reactions, and when i saw the testimonies, they came crashing down from where they were suspended and flooded me for a while.
which i'm glad for i guess, cos there're times i wonder if having exposed to so much has deadened my compassion and heart for people. so these times remind me that my heart's still working, that i still love, and the compassion to want to let them know that God can write straight with crooked lines rings in me.

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