Friday, August 03, 2012

Conversations About The Gifted Education Program (2012)

I've not finished watching the whole video, but I figured that it would be an interesting insight into how some of the other batches have thought/felt. To this day, it's still hard to believe that I was part of the programme aimed at the top 1% of the cohort as my studying years were entangled and mashed up together with my ADD, as well as a whole range of other weird issues which my classmates were facing. Having said that, I guess what I took away from the programme, was not so much of the academic aspect of it, than the fact that we had much freedom to do the things we wanted, as well as the friendships that we had. I enjoyed doing the independent research project every year, I enjoyed roughing through the days preparing for CHAOs, I enjoyed playing basketball/soccer during every single recess period, and I enjoyed the quirkiness of the people around me. To tell the truth, I really don't remember doing much studying, other than in the months before the examinations.
I guess people who look at the programme will always think of how elitist it is.. for us who've been through it, it would be the fun (and pain) of the programme that stays with us. Nobody ever realized how painful it can be for us (in our growing up years, and even now as adult), to be always looked at with a different set of eyes, to be labelled in a different way. I guess in our hearts, we know we would always be slightly different, and yet, we do face what everyone faces as well.

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