Friday, May 18, 2012

it's only 12pm and i'm already quite sleepy cos chi was up half the night meowing the whole house down as the litter tray and the litter was new and unfamiliar to her and she didn't want to use it.
so i spent half the time waking up and pacifying her and sitting beside her as she sniffs out the new litter tray ad the new litter. and then walkng away from it.
well, at least in the morning she's figured out that the litter tray and new litter is not going to eat her up. lol.
time passes by quicker than expected though. did a home visit this morning. it's pretty interesting to see how a student can behave rather differently in school and at home. haha. it still never fails to amaze me. and then had a conference with a mum and the form teachers. lol.
i really appreciate parents who learn to prioritize to take care of their children. haha. if you become a parent, please learn to prioritize well. haha

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