Tuesday, May 22, 2012

i guess there are people whom I find I seek to emulate and learn from, and I find that God placed them in my life so that I can be empowered and encouraged. and you respect them, so they have kind of a unspoken deeper access to your listening box.
and again, i share about my cluster sup. hahaa. it's interesting cos ever she saw me at the play, every session she'd check in with me by asking if I've watched any recent plays :) and usually the plays that I wanna go for (e.g. i couldn't get tickets for it), she'd be going for it. hahaha. today i realized that she reads haruki murakami too! and she's going for the Wind Up Bird Chronicle (which i've decided not to go for cos i'm saving money for the trips. haha.
but i guess i'm also glad when she affirmed that the school needs to understand that what i have is a medical condition. i think having to explain for the consequences of it has made me wary of people who talk to me about it. lol. but I can sense that her heart purely wants to assure me and understand the situation more, like whether I'm coping with it. so that was rather reassuring.
something else to give thanks to :)
i decided to pray before my supervision session today, to ask God to give me wisdom in my sharing during peer evaluation, and He did! :) hahaa.

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