But I guess that was like one of the few things that impressed us.
Think we went very early.. so it's kinda dark. And the starting gallery was kinda hard to see due to the lack of lighting. Quite sad. And when you go in, it's kinda empty. So a little disappointing =) Me and huiying were like ..ehh... what do we do ah? Go where ah? hahahaa. ah well. so we walked around.
think our first interaction with the booths was when we reached the Academy of Art University booth, when we were greeted quite enthusiastically by two quite pretty ladies who asked us what area we were interested in. hahaha. Or rather, they asked me. LOL.
I was like 'eh........ I'm just looking around.' and they were like 'oh! but you must be interested in something, or else you won't be here'. haha. which in a way, is true.. but i was interested in the shortlisted animated clips rather than course in the school. lol. so i told them animation (of which i loved to see, and have a slight interest in learning.. or rather, i have the interest in drawing. ah well.) lol.
but it was quite interesting =) 'cos they shared that you don't need to have a bachelor's in a related area to actually take up a masters in say, 2D animation. which i thought was pretty interesting :) like if you suddenly realized that you love doing game design or something, you actually switch and learn from the start, and come out with a masters in that area. hmm. the world's getting pretty flexible =D
and then huiying asked about further studies. hahaa. so after that, we cld kinda ask more things at other booths =) at the end of the day, we got quite a load of info and some interesting stuff from the booths. hahaa.
huiying bought 6 ebooks! LOL
In the end, we didn't catch the shortlisted animated films 'cos they didn't show it :P We located the tv that was supposed to show the films, but it just didn't play.
but it was a great time knowing more about this area, and getting to know this sister more as well :D
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