Tuesday, November 19, 2002

Unbeatables 3 yesterday was strangely... fake. too much animations done in. it looked so plastic-ey... didn't quite enjoy it..though the setting and all that was rather cool:) *grInz*
Izlong asked a strange but popular question on the board misc today...he asked: if you know you have one more day/week to live, what would you do?
if i have only one more day/week to live, i would write letters to everyone that i know. *grIngrIn* and wait to see if there's going to be any breakthrough in science which will allow me to live longer. hahaha:) or else, yeah. i'll ask for the antidote. *lol*
i've been having strange dreams these days. been having the same few places in my dreams..it's almost as if i have an alt in another world or something similar. hahah:) and the dreams are freakingly realistic. ah wellz.
-rebel and a liberator
find a way to be a skater
rev it up to levitate her
super friendly aviator -

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