Tuesday, November 26, 2002

i've deleted the previous post.doesn't sound very logical anyway:)
had a very tiring dream last night:) dreamt that i was trying to explain things to jitsy or something similar to that and that she didn't quite believe me. somehow or another miss lau popped up as wellz. *boggles*
dreamt that i was out shopping with nina, fungi and my mum. *hahaha* and that we were secretly buying nina's presents or something. wanna know what? cookie cutters!:) *lol* i thought it was quite amusing:)
if these dreams go on, i may be able to start writing books. oh yeah. the 'explaining to jitsy' dream consisted of books. or design necklaces...(something from a dream long ago.)
ah wellz. grad night's coming soon. how fun:) *gringringrin* last night to enjoy ourselves...with all the other students of our beloved school. *cough* beach-out too. manz. so fast. time's zooming here and there and everywhere. and i haven't exactly finished my christmas card writing yet. ooooh-da.

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