Sunday, November 03, 2002

(continued from above)
i guess the day got better. the conversations came easily after that. goodness know how ... and stupid weilin kept saying bad things about me. miss ng didn't help much, she kept laughing and claiming that she really can't 'stand you all'. melissa kept on chortling. and i was trying to refrain from laughing!
ah wellz:)
melissa got this metallic lookalike cola sweets. really small, and really do look like mercury balls or something:) *beamz* miss ng refused to eat at first. hahaha:) so amusing:) got the lyrics of 'dan ni gu dan ni hui xiang qi shui' from melissa as wellz:)
oh yeah, as to what we've learnt, we revised seperation techniques, endothermic and exothermic reactions (i assure u i can draw the graphs very well now...and all the definitions), redox (hahaha. i'll never forget h2o2 's decomposition. never!), the drying agents and what-nots and speed of reaction (we drew five graphs on it!!) oof. and air pollutants. i feel extremely prepared for the stupid chemistry exams.
oh yeah. miss ng asks if anyone wants to learn piano (someone not as old as me) 'cos her brother wants to teach. i recommend people not to go there. her brother seems to like erratic playing. VERY ERRATIC. just ask anyone of us. hahaha:)
and i'm not fickle-minded. i'm just indecisive about stuff sometimes. if i want to do something, i might as well do it nicely. hehe. eg. drawing graphs:)

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