Friday, November 29, 2002

ho-hmmm. i'm back online. why? 'cos i was trying to download bomberman (all thanks to i'm hooked on it *grInz*)...then it turns out that i CAN'T play bomberman. why? 'cos i need DirectX7.exe and above or something similar...which i've erased from my comp like a few months ago. so now i'm downloading DirectX8.1b.exe which is 11.5mb, and which according to the stupid computer, will take about 30 mins to download. how fun. i shall spend these 30 mins blogging then:) *hahaa*
my heart actually did a double take just now when i went to michelle's old livejournal (goodness knows why she keeps it) and saw a familiar blog address (not mine, that's for sure). 'cos just this afternoon, i was showing qingz and weez the exact same blog. the girl mentioned inside appealed for VJC through the hockey team and got in...and i though, hahaha. weez's possible future classmate. what i didn't mention is that the girl's les. she's from st nick's.
that's what caused michelle to have HER blog address mentioned in her entries...don't know whether to be amused at it, or boggle at the entry. *boggles*
ah wellz. nevermind about it. i shall have no comments...wonder when the stupid directx will finish downloading itself:)
stupid yengyong refuses to write in my autograph that she doesn't write on anyone's autograph book. remind me to bonk her head or something similar the next time. and she told me that she's scarier than me. *grInz* i'm amused.
i hope stupid directx downloads's already 11.40pm.

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