Thursday, May 30, 2002

someone always had to be the party pooper...
when i went home today, i could feel that mum was feeling sad about something... but i dismissed it... and then she asked me (in chinese) ' did u fail some of your subjects?'
so IDIOTIC okay i tell you. i mean i've just managed to put all those behind me and get to being hardworking and doing all the homework i'm supposed to do... i was trying not to let me morale get pulled down by the mid-years... or maybe it's a refusal to face up to reality...when dunno which idiotic teacher has to tell my mum. i HATE it when i managed to solve whatever problem of MINE peacefully within me when SOMEONE else has to mention it once more and bring it up once more. sometimes teachers are really terrible... i mean.. do they really think that my parents will be able to help me improve? MY FOOT!
if they can really help me... i won't need to go for tuition in primary school.. won't need to be afraid of that perverted guy who's at my tuition teacher's house, i won't need to frustrate over questions that i can't do... won't need to continuously read up stuff on the net 'cos NO ONE could answer my questions. AARGH.
- could you tell me i'm good enough
could i be good enough?
if the going got worse and the worse got rough
if the days became endless and harder than tough
could i be good enough? -
i'm not asking for anything like someone to confide in, or more money, or maybe parents who have had education before and can help me with my work... just asking for my mum to not mention anything about my midyrs and live life as per-normal, just to give me the space to work everything out, to actually finally be hardworking for once or something without harping on my previous results... to let me do everything by myself.
is that too much to ask?

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