Thursday, May 30, 2002

- remember the time so fine, when we thought that nothing would stand in our way -
ahz:) niCe sonG:) it's 'we will get there' sung by our home-grown singer Stephanie Sun:) rather cooL that she's famous internationally:) or at least has sold a rather amazing amount of CDs:) but well...Darren Hayes still ruLez:) hahaha:)
btw, the new song by A1's called 'Make It Good'... couldn't find the title the last time they played it. now i know:) i think it sounds rather niCe:) *grInz* unlike some of their former songs like 'Like a Rose'. No offense or anything... though the music was nice, i thought the song was rather mushy. However, this song's different, it sounds more pop, more upbeat, with lots more drumbeat:) wonderfuL:) and guess what? they're managed by Columbia Records as well. i think record companies are so cool... they get to make people famous and earn a lot of money... and once a band is famous, the company will be sought after... so it's kinda like piles of contracts coming in voluntarily. oh well.. don't think anyone can follow what i'm babbling about:)
i feel more sick today... my very nice cold has brought about a RISE in temperature... so currently my eyes feel hot, my forehead feels abnormally burning and the breath that comes out of my mouth reminds me of steam:) and my appendix hurts. oh wellz. *grumble grumble complain complain gripe gripe* haha:)
finished reading 'To love and be loved' Manz... the ideas brought in are so... -perfect-... as in... it's really so cooL... changed my view of relationships and mindset totally... and what's better is that it incorporates statements from different religions to support what it says. really cool:)
speaking of relationships... i feel obliged to be kind to everyone... so felt REALLY bad when i was just quarrelling with traCe today... aarGh... and it was my fauLt too. and i couldn't find weezi to take the bus with today... apparently she seems to have -poofed- off to Maths Olympiad. hehe:) oh yeah.. supposed to be a reflection on my views/feelings.. just stuff about relationships.
i seem to be treating everyone rather equally these days... no best friend treatment or anything. (i hope not. or maybe it could be 'cos my body's trying to deceive me) i guess in a way it's good... 'cos it'll mean that i won't feel too guilty for like being mean to a particular someone or somethinG... but in another way, it's kinda bad. it feels... -strange-.. very strange. extremely strange rather. probably too used to having a bundle of feelings inside of me. now that it has seemed to have vanished, i feel lonely without it.
- everyone's so blurry -
that's when i started thinking once more...maybe it won't be too difficult to completely give up the notion of passion. not love..'cos love includes compassion. when i first read that the buddha teachings includes attaining nirvana once one learns to let go of stuff such as greed, passion and yearning. i thought it's probably going to be rather difficult to attain nirvana then... 'cos the feeling of admiration for someone was strong then...but today... i feel rather... at peace. rather calm. like there's finally a layer of life in which i have very carefully pierced open.
not that i'm following the buddhist teachings... but now i do admire those nuns and monks in the temples. too bad their status in life isn't too high. and that some people actually shun them. how sad.
yes... let's go back to religions again... it seems that most religions in singapore revolves around the same idea... one main god, the ideals for what we should go and NOT do.. and such stuff. taoism's different though, it believes that what goes round must come round... and family:) but i do appreciate the fact that the bible covers many aspects of stuff in life...
here's something from Pg 223 of the book... ' ... none of this touches the daring religious assertion that love reveals the ultimate truth about reality... beyond the psychological and sociological levels, love is an awareness of the nature of Being.'
what strange thoughts. i should really get to doing the comprehension i've wanted to do ever since miss choo gave it to us. and the testimonial for qingz. hahaha:)
'athletic' i quote from zhuang hui.

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