Thursday, May 30, 2002

hahahaa... it actualLy worked... nice computers after all. oh well.
i've realised that it's not easy being a 'referee' 'cos yeah... firstly, u've gotta know all the rules of the game, secondly, you've gotta watch out for fouls and such, thirdly you need to note who had the last touch on the ball before it went out of the boundaries of the court... and last of all, u've gotta be UNBIASED.
oh wellz.. oh weeeeellllllzzz.
nvm about it. qingz just happily read my blog in front of me. *bonkz qingz* oh wellz... and fungi seems to have a little trouble with publishing her blog... some sort of what happened to me... but i couldn't post while she can. BLOGGER! do u see this? u've gotta fix this problem soon. it's extreMeLy irritating.
oh wellz... i shall keep this short. nothing much to type now. no inspiration. cyaz. good day. have a nice day. i shall be broke for the rest of the year...until i buy everyone's presents that is:) hahahaa:)

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