well. today's a terribly disappointing day. it started rather nicely with me arriving in school at 7am and going straight to the basketball court to wait for fungi to reach school so that she can play basketball. oh wellz. then yingrui, weilin and michelle teo came too:) and we had a mini game... with me and michelle just staying somewhere in the red area 'cos we are ehz... hindered.
i had an asthma attack in school today... yeah, after playing basketball in the morning. shouldn't have ran. 'cos when i went up the stairs, i could feel my whole lungs heaving up and down trying to bring in oxygen molecules.. but somehow or another oxygen molecules seem to have a sudden distaste for my trachea and didn't want to go in. so i was there trying to breathe, while some people were trying to talk to me. oh well. how disastrous. i foresee myself dying of an asthma attack.
not that i'd want to think about dying yet. but according to 'Vital Lies, Simple Truths - The Psychology of Self-deception' by Daniel Goleman who had optained a Ph.D. in psychology, the most common self-deception is when people see other people dying but does not seem to believe that they THEMSELVES will definitely die one day. oh wellz:)
i was rather proud of my chinese composition...the one about projects and my view on them. thought i did it rather nicely. hahaha:)
let me just get to the point. France was terribly disappointing! manz! i thought they'll win. i mean, okay fine ... so what if one of their more important players got injured? they're supposed to have a wonderful mid-field and great attackers and everything. but in the end Senegal won today's match! 1-0. MANZ.
and the first thing sze told me on msn was ' Do you want to kill me or kill yourself?' well... immediately i knew that it's got to do with the recording of Darren Hayes' interview. and the first thing i thought of is that i'll rather kill myself than kill anyone else. how stupid. the second thing was how fungi's going to be so ehz.. worked up or something 'cos she told me earlier (called me earlier) that she really wants to see the interview. fungi will probably go 'YOUUUUUU!' tomorrow. the third thing is this strong bundle of fear and worry residing near my heart. the forth thought is me hoping that she won't kill me. oh well.
touch is the essential element to keeping a relationship vibrant and alive, communication is the other:)
Friday, May 31, 2002
Thursday, May 30, 2002
someone always had to be the party pooper...
when i went home today, i could feel that mum was feeling sad about something... but i dismissed it... and then she asked me (in chinese) ' did u fail some of your subjects?'
so IDIOTIC okay i tell you. i mean i've just managed to put all those behind me and get to being hardworking and doing all the homework i'm supposed to do... i was trying not to let me morale get pulled down by the mid-years... or maybe it's a refusal to face up to reality...when dunno which idiotic teacher has to tell my mum. i HATE it when i managed to solve whatever problem of MINE peacefully within me when SOMEONE else has to mention it once more and bring it up once more. sometimes teachers are really terrible... i mean.. do they really think that my parents will be able to help me improve? MY FOOT!
if they can really help me... i won't need to go for tuition in primary school.. won't need to be afraid of that perverted guy who's at my tuition teacher's house, i won't need to frustrate over questions that i can't do... won't need to continuously read up stuff on the net 'cos NO ONE could answer my questions. AARGH.
- could you tell me i'm good enough
could i be good enough?
if the going got worse and the worse got rough
if the days became endless and harder than tough
could i be good enough? -
i'm not asking for anything like someone to confide in, or more money, or maybe parents who have had education before and can help me with my work... just asking for my mum to not mention anything about my midyrs and live life as per-normal, just to give me the space to work everything out, to actually finally be hardworking for once or something without harping on my previous results... to let me do everything by myself.
is that too much to ask?
when i went home today, i could feel that mum was feeling sad about something... but i dismissed it... and then she asked me (in chinese) ' did u fail some of your subjects?'
so IDIOTIC okay i tell you. i mean i've just managed to put all those behind me and get to being hardworking and doing all the homework i'm supposed to do... i was trying not to let me morale get pulled down by the mid-years... or maybe it's a refusal to face up to reality...when dunno which idiotic teacher has to tell my mum. i HATE it when i managed to solve whatever problem of MINE peacefully within me when SOMEONE else has to mention it once more and bring it up once more. sometimes teachers are really terrible... i mean.. do they really think that my parents will be able to help me improve? MY FOOT!
if they can really help me... i won't need to go for tuition in primary school.. won't need to be afraid of that perverted guy who's at my tuition teacher's house, i won't need to frustrate over questions that i can't do... won't need to continuously read up stuff on the net 'cos NO ONE could answer my questions. AARGH.
- could you tell me i'm good enough
could i be good enough?
if the going got worse and the worse got rough
if the days became endless and harder than tough
could i be good enough? -
i'm not asking for anything like someone to confide in, or more money, or maybe parents who have had education before and can help me with my work... just asking for my mum to not mention anything about my midyrs and live life as per-normal, just to give me the space to work everything out, to actually finally be hardworking for once or something without harping on my previous results... to let me do everything by myself.
is that too much to ask?
hahahaa... it actualLy worked... nice computers after all. oh well.
i've realised that it's not easy being a 'referee' 'cos yeah... firstly, u've gotta know all the rules of the game, secondly, you've gotta watch out for fouls and such, thirdly you need to note who had the last touch on the ball before it went out of the boundaries of the court... and last of all, u've gotta be UNBIASED.
oh wellz.. oh weeeeellllllzzz.
nvm about it. qingz just happily read my blog in front of me. *bonkz qingz* oh wellz... and fungi seems to have a little trouble with publishing her blog... some sort of what happened to me... but i couldn't post while she can. BLOGGER! do u see this? u've gotta fix this problem soon. it's extreMeLy irritating.
oh wellz... i shall keep this short. nothing much to type now. no inspiration. cyaz. good day. have a nice day. i shall be broke for the rest of the year...until i buy everyone's presents that is:) hahahaa:)
i've realised that it's not easy being a 'referee' 'cos yeah... firstly, u've gotta know all the rules of the game, secondly, you've gotta watch out for fouls and such, thirdly you need to note who had the last touch on the ball before it went out of the boundaries of the court... and last of all, u've gotta be UNBIASED.
oh wellz.. oh weeeeellllllzzz.
nvm about it. qingz just happily read my blog in front of me. *bonkz qingz* oh wellz... and fungi seems to have a little trouble with publishing her blog... some sort of what happened to me... but i couldn't post while she can. BLOGGER! do u see this? u've gotta fix this problem soon. it's extreMeLy irritating.
oh wellz... i shall keep this short. nothing much to type now. no inspiration. cyaz. good day. have a nice day. i shall be broke for the rest of the year...until i buy everyone's presents that is:) hahahaa:)
- remember the time so fine, when we thought that nothing would stand in our way -
ahz:) niCe sonG:) it's 'we will get there' sung by our home-grown singer Stephanie Sun:) rather cooL that she's famous internationally:) or at least has sold a rather amazing amount of CDs:) but well...Darren Hayes still ruLez:) hahaha:)
btw, the new song by A1's called 'Make It Good'... couldn't find the title the last time they played it. now i know:) i think it sounds rather niCe:) *grInz* unlike some of their former songs like 'Like a Rose'. No offense or anything... though the music was nice, i thought the song was rather mushy. However, this song's different, it sounds more pop, more upbeat, with lots more drumbeat:) wonderfuL:) and guess what? they're managed by Columbia Records as well. i think record companies are so cool... they get to make people famous and earn a lot of money... and once a band is famous, the company will be sought after... so it's kinda like piles of contracts coming in voluntarily. oh well.. don't think anyone can follow what i'm babbling about:)
i feel more sick today... my very nice cold has brought about a RISE in temperature... so currently my eyes feel hot, my forehead feels abnormally burning and the breath that comes out of my mouth reminds me of steam:) and my appendix hurts. oh wellz. *grumble grumble complain complain gripe gripe* haha:)
finished reading 'To love and be loved' Manz... the ideas brought in are so... -perfect-... as in... it's really so cooL... changed my view of relationships and mindset totally... and what's better is that it incorporates statements from different religions to support what it says. really cool:)
speaking of relationships... i feel obliged to be kind to everyone... so felt REALLY bad when i was just quarrelling with traCe today... aarGh... and it was my fauLt too. and i couldn't find weezi to take the bus with today... apparently she seems to have -poofed- off to Maths Olympiad. hehe:) oh yeah.. supposed to be a reflection on my views/feelings.. just stuff about relationships.
i seem to be treating everyone rather equally these days... no best friend treatment or anything. (i hope not. or maybe it could be 'cos my body's trying to deceive me) i guess in a way it's good... 'cos it'll mean that i won't feel too guilty for like being mean to a particular someone or somethinG... but in another way, it's kinda bad. it feels... -strange-.. very strange. extremely strange rather. probably too used to having a bundle of feelings inside of me. now that it has seemed to have vanished, i feel lonely without it.
- everyone's so blurry -
that's when i started thinking once more...maybe it won't be too difficult to completely give up the notion of passion. not love..'cos love includes compassion. when i first read that the buddha teachings includes attaining nirvana once one learns to let go of stuff such as greed, passion and yearning. i thought it's probably going to be rather difficult to attain nirvana then... 'cos the feeling of admiration for someone was strong then...but today... i feel rather... at peace. rather calm. like there's finally a layer of life in which i have very carefully pierced open.
not that i'm following the buddhist teachings... but now i do admire those nuns and monks in the temples. too bad their status in life isn't too high. and that some people actually shun them. how sad.
yes... let's go back to religions again... it seems that most religions in singapore revolves around the same idea... one main god, the ideals for what we should go and NOT do.. and such stuff. taoism's different though, it believes that what goes round must come round... and family:) but i do appreciate the fact that the bible covers many aspects of stuff in life...
here's something from Pg 223 of the book... ' ... none of this touches the daring religious assertion that love reveals the ultimate truth about reality... beyond the psychological and sociological levels, love is an awareness of the nature of Being.'
what strange thoughts. i should really get to doing the comprehension i've wanted to do ever since miss choo gave it to us. and the testimonial for qingz. hahaha:)
'athletic' i quote from zhuang hui.
ahz:) niCe sonG:) it's 'we will get there' sung by our home-grown singer Stephanie Sun:) rather cooL that she's famous internationally:) or at least has sold a rather amazing amount of CDs:) but well...Darren Hayes still ruLez:) hahaha:)
btw, the new song by A1's called 'Make It Good'... couldn't find the title the last time they played it. now i know:) i think it sounds rather niCe:) *grInz* unlike some of their former songs like 'Like a Rose'. No offense or anything... though the music was nice, i thought the song was rather mushy. However, this song's different, it sounds more pop, more upbeat, with lots more drumbeat:) wonderfuL:) and guess what? they're managed by Columbia Records as well. i think record companies are so cool... they get to make people famous and earn a lot of money... and once a band is famous, the company will be sought after... so it's kinda like piles of contracts coming in voluntarily. oh well.. don't think anyone can follow what i'm babbling about:)
i feel more sick today... my very nice cold has brought about a RISE in temperature... so currently my eyes feel hot, my forehead feels abnormally burning and the breath that comes out of my mouth reminds me of steam:) and my appendix hurts. oh wellz. *grumble grumble complain complain gripe gripe* haha:)
finished reading 'To love and be loved' Manz... the ideas brought in are so... -perfect-... as in... it's really so cooL... changed my view of relationships and mindset totally... and what's better is that it incorporates statements from different religions to support what it says. really cool:)
speaking of relationships... i feel obliged to be kind to everyone... so felt REALLY bad when i was just quarrelling with traCe today... aarGh... and it was my fauLt too. and i couldn't find weezi to take the bus with today... apparently she seems to have -poofed- off to Maths Olympiad. hehe:) oh yeah.. supposed to be a reflection on my views/feelings.. just stuff about relationships.
i seem to be treating everyone rather equally these days... no best friend treatment or anything. (i hope not. or maybe it could be 'cos my body's trying to deceive me) i guess in a way it's good... 'cos it'll mean that i won't feel too guilty for like being mean to a particular someone or somethinG... but in another way, it's kinda bad. it feels... -strange-.. very strange. extremely strange rather. probably too used to having a bundle of feelings inside of me. now that it has seemed to have vanished, i feel lonely without it.
- everyone's so blurry -
that's when i started thinking once more...maybe it won't be too difficult to completely give up the notion of passion. not love..'cos love includes compassion. when i first read that the buddha teachings includes attaining nirvana once one learns to let go of stuff such as greed, passion and yearning. i thought it's probably going to be rather difficult to attain nirvana then... 'cos the feeling of admiration for someone was strong then...but today... i feel rather... at peace. rather calm. like there's finally a layer of life in which i have very carefully pierced open.
not that i'm following the buddhist teachings... but now i do admire those nuns and monks in the temples. too bad their status in life isn't too high. and that some people actually shun them. how sad.
yes... let's go back to religions again... it seems that most religions in singapore revolves around the same idea... one main god, the ideals for what we should go and NOT do.. and such stuff. taoism's different though, it believes that what goes round must come round... and family:) but i do appreciate the fact that the bible covers many aspects of stuff in life...
here's something from Pg 223 of the book... ' ... none of this touches the daring religious assertion that love reveals the ultimate truth about reality... beyond the psychological and sociological levels, love is an awareness of the nature of Being.'
what strange thoughts. i should really get to doing the comprehension i've wanted to do ever since miss choo gave it to us. and the testimonial for qingz. hahaha:)
'athletic' i quote from zhuang hui.
Wednesday, May 29, 2002
hmmmz... testing once more.. it doesn't allow me to post once more
blogger i mean
blogger i mean
Tuesday, May 28, 2002
today's the first day of the entire two weeks holiday work thingie... felt like we did nothing today.. 'cos mrs kuan wasn't here, so we spend her lesson singing songs.. hahaha:) and miss choo went through vocabulary with us.. gotta do comprehension tomorrow though (how sad)and for maths, we did corrections for the e-maths paper, and we've already did most of it on the day we got back the yeah, rather relaxing too:)
actually, i'm rather glad it was this way... 'cos i feel rather sick:) heh... woke up this morning with my throat extremeLy dry and the roof of the base of my mouth hurting like anything.. oh well, i kinda expected it i guess... 'cos yesterday night i could feel the inflammation (is there such a word) spreading:) how niCe:) and i didn't take any medicine:) oh well.. drink more water
weezi toLd me she feels detached from the class... eversince the camp.. poor her. i guess it's 'cos we had the experience and she didn't... oh welLz... and there was something bothering her too... but she won't tell me. oh wellz. i hope she'll feel better. felt rather bad today too..'cos i opted to take the bus with nina and fungi instead of weezi. manz... so bad of me. and she was just telling me she feels left-out. aarGh.. now that i think of it, i feel terrIble. shall call her later to make up for it:) and maybe take the bus tomorrow with her. we shall see:)
i feel rather groggy. did the complaining to others today once more. i should really learn to control myself. to put others before me. oh wellz:) going off to take a rest. darren can wait for today... only listened up to the 8th sonG:) oh wait.. now it's turned 9.
okay, the three lines that i don't know from elvis' 'can't help falling in love' rightz... are these three lines:
- like a river flows, surely to the sea,
darling so it goes,
some things are meant to be -
sze just told me traCie complained to her that fungi and i abandoned her.. oh wellz. maybe i gotta call trace too:)
today's the first day of the entire two weeks holiday work thingie... felt like we did nothing today.. 'cos mrs kuan wasn't here, so we spend her lesson singing songs.. hahaha:) and miss choo went through vocabulary with us.. gotta do comprehension tomorrow though (how sad)and for maths, we did corrections for the e-maths paper, and we've already did most of it on the day we got back the yeah, rather relaxing too:)
actually, i'm rather glad it was this way... 'cos i feel rather sick:) heh... woke up this morning with my throat extremeLy dry and the roof of the base of my mouth hurting like anything.. oh well, i kinda expected it i guess... 'cos yesterday night i could feel the inflammation (is there such a word) spreading:) how niCe:) and i didn't take any medicine:) oh well.. drink more water
weezi toLd me she feels detached from the class... eversince the camp.. poor her. i guess it's 'cos we had the experience and she didn't... oh welLz... and there was something bothering her too... but she won't tell me. oh wellz. i hope she'll feel better. felt rather bad today too..'cos i opted to take the bus with nina and fungi instead of weezi. manz... so bad of me. and she was just telling me she feels left-out. aarGh.. now that i think of it, i feel terrIble. shall call her later to make up for it:) and maybe take the bus tomorrow with her. we shall see:)
i feel rather groggy. did the complaining to others today once more. i should really learn to control myself. to put others before me. oh wellz:) going off to take a rest. darren can wait for today... only listened up to the 8th sonG:) oh wait.. now it's turned 9.
okay, the three lines that i don't know from elvis' 'can't help falling in love' rightz... are these three lines:
- like a river flows, surely to the sea,
darling so it goes,
some things are meant to be -
sze just told me traCie complained to her that fungi and i abandoned her.. oh wellz. maybe i gotta call trace too:)

Find your emotion!
transferred this from livejournal account.
Monday, May 27, 2002
i'm having a terrible allergic reaction to either my pillow or dettol talcum powder... or maybe it's 'cos my family members passed the cold to me... (which will be rather strange... considering that it has been circulating around the house for two weeks and i didn't get it... oh wellz:)
- now my world is filled with so many things
but nothing compares to the touch of your skin
there's a symphony and a melody that plays whenever you're around
i think i've been found -
surprisingly, i can still sing.. hahaha:) as in... to my normal pitch... oh well, at least i hear nothing wrong with it... but they've said that your voice sounds different to your ownself and to other people.. so well:) i should drink more water... to ensure that nothing happens to my voice. hahaha:) i've just figured out why i love darren hayes' music so much...'cos it's able to express things the way you want it to be expressed... not like some normal boyband songs that promise 'love' or 'attempt' to resolve your heartbreaks or dunno wat..those are rather fake, and will merely mislead people. his songs are... more in-depth.
i'm killing trees by sneezing into tissues...heh:) hopefully mrs yak won't kill me...
- now my world is filled with so many things
but nothing compares to the touch of your skin
there's a symphony and a melody that plays whenever you're around
i think i've been found -
surprisingly, i can still sing.. hahaha:) as in... to my normal pitch... oh well, at least i hear nothing wrong with it... but they've said that your voice sounds different to your ownself and to other people.. so well:) i should drink more water... to ensure that nothing happens to my voice. hahaha:) i've just figured out why i love darren hayes' music so much...'cos it's able to express things the way you want it to be expressed... not like some normal boyband songs that promise 'love' or 'attempt' to resolve your heartbreaks or dunno wat..those are rather fake, and will merely mislead people. his songs are... more in-depth.
i'm killing trees by sneezing into tissues...heh:) hopefully mrs yak won't kill me...

Para Para Paradise You are Para Para Paradise! Less active than other games, but still intense, you prefer the flair and style aspect, and enjoy learning new things as well as inventing your own new styles and being creative! | |
Students who wish to major in Psychology must have good GCE 'A' level passes, and at least a pass in Mathematics at G.C.E. 'O' level.
Courses i would like to take:
Group A: Compulsory Modules
PL1101E Introduction to Psychology
PL2101Y Psychological Research and Statistical methods I
PL2102Y Psychological Research and Statistical methods II
Group B: Elective Modules comprising Core theoretical coverage
PL3202Y Biological Psychology
PL3203Y Cognitive Psychology
PL3205Y Social Psychology
Two other extras:
PL3208Y Social Cognition
PL3211Y Personality and Individual Differences
Courses i would like to take:
Group A: Compulsory Modules
PL1101E Introduction to Psychology
PL2101Y Psychological Research and Statistical methods I
PL2102Y Psychological Research and Statistical methods II
Group B: Elective Modules comprising Core theoretical coverage
PL3202Y Biological Psychology
PL3203Y Cognitive Psychology
PL3205Y Social Psychology
Two other extras:
PL3208Y Social Cognition
PL3211Y Personality and Individual Differences
i think this year's the year when all my emotions seem to be on full when i was sad ('cos of results), or when i was confused and frustrated (the fungi incident), or happy (when i see darren) etc etc.
'cos currentLy i feeL this GREAT CONCERN for darren hayes... it's as if he's realLy my close friend or something and i'm terribLy worried about him... whether he's sleeping right... whether he's feeling okay... whether he knows that he has us in singapore to support him.
i've never in my whole entire life had such a conflict of emotions as of this year... feelings that arise due to relationships, religion, ideals, school, family... it's very strange and puzzling, confusing, and yet, you know that it's not as bad as you make it out to be. that everything will be resolved soon... that if one adopts a third person view, one would be able to solve the problem quite easily.
and it finalLy struck me this morning (at about 7 something - when i first woke up) that O Levels are indeed coming, that next year i WILL be going to a new school...and that in TWO years' time i'll be in the NUS (if i can get in) and that probably in about FIVE years or so, i'll be officially an ADULT and i'll have to work for a living. how creepy.
and even while i'm typing this... i'm wondering.. shouldn't i be revising for my prelim exams...
'cos currentLy i feeL this GREAT CONCERN for darren hayes... it's as if he's realLy my close friend or something and i'm terribLy worried about him... whether he's sleeping right... whether he's feeling okay... whether he knows that he has us in singapore to support him.
i've never in my whole entire life had such a conflict of emotions as of this year... feelings that arise due to relationships, religion, ideals, school, family... it's very strange and puzzling, confusing, and yet, you know that it's not as bad as you make it out to be. that everything will be resolved soon... that if one adopts a third person view, one would be able to solve the problem quite easily.
and it finalLy struck me this morning (at about 7 something - when i first woke up) that O Levels are indeed coming, that next year i WILL be going to a new school...and that in TWO years' time i'll be in the NUS (if i can get in) and that probably in about FIVE years or so, i'll be officially an ADULT and i'll have to work for a living. how creepy.
and even while i'm typing this... i'm wondering.. shouldn't i be revising for my prelim exams...
*grInz* look at the time now and be shocked.:)
just came back from the wedding dinner (my mum's friend's son's) at Roland Restaurant which is at marine parade which is VERY NEAR fungi's church .. like maybe just 10 metres or somethinG:) or maybe less than that... anywayz... the interesting part of tonight's not the wedding dinner... it's that my whole family realised that we didn't bring our keys out when we happily slammed the door. haha:) so basically, we went to the wedding dinner wondering about where we're going to sleep tonight and came back staring at the door thinking about what to do:) luckily dad brought money or else we won't even be able to take a taxi back and fro the restaurant.
wanna guess where i am now?:) *grInz* oh well.. i guess not.
i'm currently at home btw:) hahaha... clever me (kiddinG!) noticed the little sticker stuck outside our house which says Lock and Key .something. and SVRS (services) and we borrowed our neighbour's phone and called 6 3838381 and asked the person to come. so basically, for the next hour, we were just singing outside the house while mum and dad were chatting with our kind neighbour while we waited for the person to come. it turned out to be TWO people.. and one of them looked rather young (20-ish) and kinda cute:) hahaha:) anywayz... basically, they sprayed this thing into the key hole and dunno did what... whatever it is, after about 5 mins or so, the door opened. wonderfuL:) home looked so nice after so long of staring at the door, unable to get into the house.
the next time i get out of my house, there're three things i'll definitely bring
- my keys
- my bus pass
- money:)
Darren Hayes RULEZ!:) i just need to download three more songs to complete my list of songs from his album:) jitsy should give me the cover... hahaha.. 'cos i got darren to sign both the CD itself and the cover thingie:)
darren hayes darren hayes darren hayes darren hayes darren hayes darren hayes darren hayes darren hayes darren hayes darren hayes darren hayes darren hayes darren hayes darren hayes...:)
give me his face to oogle at and his voice to chat with anytime:)
just came back from the wedding dinner (my mum's friend's son's) at Roland Restaurant which is at marine parade which is VERY NEAR fungi's church .. like maybe just 10 metres or somethinG:) or maybe less than that... anywayz... the interesting part of tonight's not the wedding dinner... it's that my whole family realised that we didn't bring our keys out when we happily slammed the door. haha:) so basically, we went to the wedding dinner wondering about where we're going to sleep tonight and came back staring at the door thinking about what to do:) luckily dad brought money or else we won't even be able to take a taxi back and fro the restaurant.
wanna guess where i am now?:) *grInz* oh well.. i guess not.
i'm currently at home btw:) hahaha... clever me (kiddinG!) noticed the little sticker stuck outside our house which says Lock and Key .something. and SVRS (services) and we borrowed our neighbour's phone and called 6 3838381 and asked the person to come. so basically, for the next hour, we were just singing outside the house while mum and dad were chatting with our kind neighbour while we waited for the person to come. it turned out to be TWO people.. and one of them looked rather young (20-ish) and kinda cute:) hahaha:) anywayz... basically, they sprayed this thing into the key hole and dunno did what... whatever it is, after about 5 mins or so, the door opened. wonderfuL:) home looked so nice after so long of staring at the door, unable to get into the house.
the next time i get out of my house, there're three things i'll definitely bring
- my keys
- my bus pass
- money:)
Darren Hayes RULEZ!:) i just need to download three more songs to complete my list of songs from his album:) jitsy should give me the cover... hahaha.. 'cos i got darren to sign both the CD itself and the cover thingie:)
darren hayes darren hayes darren hayes darren hayes darren hayes darren hayes darren hayes darren hayes darren hayes darren hayes darren hayes darren hayes darren hayes darren hayes...:)
give me his face to oogle at and his voice to chat with anytime:)
Sunday, May 26, 2002
Your name of Xinying gives you a very happy-go-lucky, spontaneous nature. You see the humorous side of many situations and can laugh at yourslef as well as at others. This name gives you a musical, artistic nature and you would do well in any occupation in the entertainment field. You have many friends because of your generous, happy nature, but if crossed you have a quick temper, although your annoyance does not last long. You do enjoy an argument and will at times say things just to get others going and then you sit back and enjoy the debate. You lack system and order and find it difficult to budget and save money. This name creates a nature that can be the life of the party, but many times you can become involved in emotional situations against your better judegement. Your compassionate nature causes you to be too generous and you often give more than you can afford to. You are too font of sugars and starches, thus you could have a weakness in your liver, kidneys or skin, creating pimples or eczema. While this names gives you a wonderful personality, and attracts much love and friendship, it is far too emotional and scattering an influence and will not allow the material accumulation nor personal happiness you should have.
hahaa.. i feeL as if i'm 'fallen in love' with darren:) he's so cooL! oh manZ! so sinCere and genuine and everythinG:) and he's got a pleasant face..i can just spend my whole afternoon looking at him sign autographs..hahha:) *grInz* yesterday's autograph session was very fun:) hahaa.. fungi (our art manager) did a very niCe poster and wrote our e-mails at the back:) hope he does e-mail us:) hahaha:) then before darren came, jean danker came on stage and asked questions (basically to stir up the atmosphere) .. and there was this thing about his single 'insatiable'. i can't remember how .. but somehow or another, me, qingz and fungi ended up on stage singing the song. hahahaha:) that was so cooL!:):):) and we each got a poster of him.. hahaha.. the picture on the poster came from his single CD of 'insatiable' oh manZ:) he's sooooo WONDERFUL:) and he shook hands with me and asked 'how are you' and he looked so kindly. i'll never forget that moment. OH MANZ! btw, Darren Hayes was from Mabel Park State High School at Logan City, Queensland in Australia:) he has a cocker spanieL calLed Obi hahaha... after Obiwan Kenobi in Star Wars:) i'm sure zhuang hui would be glad to know that one of darren's favourite actresses is Natalie Portman:) *grInz*
oh manz... he's the cooLest:) hahahah:)
he used to be a vegetarian but now he eats white meat:) and he wants kids:) and he respects his mother a lot and Leonie. oh manz. he's the man every girl would like to marry:)
hahaha:) kiddin':)
oh manz... he's the cooLest:) hahahah:)
he used to be a vegetarian but now he eats white meat:) and he wants kids:) and he respects his mother a lot and Leonie. oh manz. he's the man every girl would like to marry:)
hahaha:) kiddin':)
Saturday, May 25, 2002
four very sounding nice lines in -spin- by darren hayes:
- bringing the beat back stomping the floor
dancing like a booty never bounced before
popping to the beat beat up on the one
smack jack freaking now you're overcome -
*heh* going all the way to bukit batok to get back my transitlink card 10.30am... i've decided to bask in the company of ME (for once) and walk around by myself (the one with the rich characteristics) and ponder about the philosophies of life with myself. ahz. crap:)
the book i was reading (and is still reading) suggested self-love... to spend time with oneself. i figured it's time i do that. 'cos throughout my life, most of my time has either been spent with friends or with family members... so yeah, i guess it's time to pay some attention to ME:) going to walk around and see if there're any shirts i can buy..i'm running out of clothes to wear. *grInz*:) maybe i'll pop by bugis, saw a very likeable shirt there...hahaha:) then i shall meet fungi they all at 12.45. wonderful plan:)
i just hope i won't feel too self-conscious.. considering that i've never gone shopping by myself before. haha:) just gotta remind myself that no one knows me, no one cares about what i'm going to buy except that i have to pay up for my purchases of course and that no one will start criticizing me if i chose something awful. hopefully:)
weezi told me i've gotta have a distinction for my O level mathematics to get into psychology. how nice. oh welLz:)
i was just thinking about how the emotion that i actualLy got on one of the quizes - fear - actualLy does describe me. at first i didn't believe i'lL be fear... thought i'll be happiness or something. hahaa:) then i was just thinking back on the MANY things that i'm afraid of... i mean, all those intangible stuff.. not like cockroaches or spiders or whatever other people can be afraid of. i'm fearful of how people view me, of separations, of rejection, of not being able to get into something i really want... and etc etc. well, i've figured it's time for me to u know, get rid of this fear inside of me.
the intelligent person ask not why, but what?
or in my case, how?
not that i'm an intelligent person, but oh well:) you get the idea:)
- bringing the beat back stomping the floor
dancing like a booty never bounced before
popping to the beat beat up on the one
smack jack freaking now you're overcome -
*heh* going all the way to bukit batok to get back my transitlink card 10.30am... i've decided to bask in the company of ME (for once) and walk around by myself (the one with the rich characteristics) and ponder about the philosophies of life with myself. ahz. crap:)
the book i was reading (and is still reading) suggested self-love... to spend time with oneself. i figured it's time i do that. 'cos throughout my life, most of my time has either been spent with friends or with family members... so yeah, i guess it's time to pay some attention to ME:) going to walk around and see if there're any shirts i can buy..i'm running out of clothes to wear. *grInz*:) maybe i'll pop by bugis, saw a very likeable shirt there...hahaha:) then i shall meet fungi they all at 12.45. wonderful plan:)
i just hope i won't feel too self-conscious.. considering that i've never gone shopping by myself before. haha:) just gotta remind myself that no one knows me, no one cares about what i'm going to buy except that i have to pay up for my purchases of course and that no one will start criticizing me if i chose something awful. hopefully:)
weezi told me i've gotta have a distinction for my O level mathematics to get into psychology. how nice. oh welLz:)
i was just thinking about how the emotion that i actualLy got on one of the quizes - fear - actualLy does describe me. at first i didn't believe i'lL be fear... thought i'll be happiness or something. hahaa:) then i was just thinking back on the MANY things that i'm afraid of... i mean, all those intangible stuff.. not like cockroaches or spiders or whatever other people can be afraid of. i'm fearful of how people view me, of separations, of rejection, of not being able to get into something i really want... and etc etc. well, i've figured it's time for me to u know, get rid of this fear inside of me.
the intelligent person ask not why, but what?
or in my case, how?
not that i'm an intelligent person, but oh well:) you get the idea:)
Friday, May 24, 2002
hmmz... wrote a very long and reflective blog today... but it couldn't get posted. oh wellz:) here's a test... all the others are on my livejournal though:) maybe i should transfer them over one fine day, for the enjoyment of others:)
no matter what i do... doesn't allow me to post my blog/reflections for the 21st of May.
how terribLe..
no matter what i do... doesn't allow me to post my blog/reflections for the 21st of May.
how terribLe..
Thursday, May 23, 2002
oh well... i do dislike people who brings in religion whenever we talk about stuff. i mean... i don't mind if people sing their church songs or something, 'cos it shows their faith and dedication to their religion (which i think is cool) and that they're spreading the love so that other people would also be able to find 'an anchor in life' ... but if they do insist on offering to introduce HIM to me, i'll get irritated. it feels like they're trying to 'promote' their religion... and such. oh wellz. don't wanna say too much here 'cos people may get offended.
oh man oh manz!
i'm so happy hahahaha:) a totaL chanGe of mood from the aboVe:) 'cos i've just received a letter from
i've been selected as a semi-finalist! woohoo! and my poem's going to be published in a book! doubLe woohoo!!! and i'm going to be invited to The International Society of Poet's Convention and Symposium going to be held in Washington, DC on August 23-25, 2002:) and the book that's going to be publishing my poem will be 'Letters From the Soul'. too bad it costs about US$50 even for me... and US$20 more for other people... or else i may just get a copy... just to see my poem in it ..with my name:) hahaha:)
well, hopefully i'll be able to waffle myself through and get a prize:) then i'll be able to get money, then i can treat my friends:) hahaha... or i can buy something for mum and dad:) and my sister... realised that i haven't actually gotten a present yetz.. oopsIe:)
and the second thing is yuanling contacted my through iCQ:) haha.. i lost her contact the last time:)
oh wellz... i'm showing isobel the letter tomorrow:) shall update on later:) cyaZ!:)
oh man oh manz!
i'm so happy hahahaha:) a totaL chanGe of mood from the aboVe:) 'cos i've just received a letter from
i've been selected as a semi-finalist! woohoo! and my poem's going to be published in a book! doubLe woohoo!!! and i'm going to be invited to The International Society of Poet's Convention and Symposium going to be held in Washington, DC on August 23-25, 2002:) and the book that's going to be publishing my poem will be 'Letters From the Soul'. too bad it costs about US$50 even for me... and US$20 more for other people... or else i may just get a copy... just to see my poem in it ..with my name:) hahaha:)
well, hopefully i'll be able to waffle myself through and get a prize:) then i'll be able to get money, then i can treat my friends:) hahaha... or i can buy something for mum and dad:) and my sister... realised that i haven't actually gotten a present yetz.. oopsIe:)
and the second thing is yuanling contacted my through iCQ:) haha.. i lost her contact the last time:)
oh wellz... i'm showing isobel the letter tomorrow:) shall update on later:) cyaZ!:)
well wellz...
i do hope blogger will allow me to post... heh:)
it hasn't allowed me to do so for a long time...oh welLz...
trying to post and publish now... hopefully it'll work...
i do hope blogger will allow me to post... heh:)
it hasn't allowed me to do so for a long time...oh welLz...
trying to post and publish now... hopefully it'll work...
Monday, May 20, 2002
it's amazing how little things can touch a human's heart:)
couldn't settle down at home after dinner... so i went out for a walk with my mum... and looked through the two provision shops at the basement of blk 'i dunno wat'... oh manz... i've lived here for 16 years ++ and i dun even know the blk numbers near me... hahaha:) yes.. anywayz, i found out that those two provision shops actually have quite a variety of items:) how nIce:)
back to that little walk, we went to the lorong 7 market and just went to all the still open stores and basically probe around, then we went to drink fruit juice and ate satay beehoon:) *grInz* so full now:)
well, the nice part came when we were about to go home (at about 9.05pm...) then i walked by a store, in search for dettol talcum powder (thought it smelt nice..haha:) and i saw this lady with a fluffy poodle... manz! so cute:) then i just commented that the dog is very cute.. hahaha:) and the kind lady told the poodle to sit down and the poodle came over and started licking me all over without even the slightest hesitation, without even knowing that i'm a stranger.. hahaha:) so cute!!! my goodness:) and the poodle's only three years old and she's toilet trained, knows how to shake hands, how to obey orders, how to sit, know which hand to shake hands with... as in, if i dun want the right hand, i can just tell the dog, she'll raise the other hand:)
so niCe of the doG:) *grInz* dogs give out love unconditionally i conclude:)
by the way, the dog that made my day is called Nicky:)
couldn't settle down at home after dinner... so i went out for a walk with my mum... and looked through the two provision shops at the basement of blk 'i dunno wat'... oh manz... i've lived here for 16 years ++ and i dun even know the blk numbers near me... hahaha:) yes.. anywayz, i found out that those two provision shops actually have quite a variety of items:) how nIce:)
back to that little walk, we went to the lorong 7 market and just went to all the still open stores and basically probe around, then we went to drink fruit juice and ate satay beehoon:) *grInz* so full now:)
well, the nice part came when we were about to go home (at about 9.05pm...) then i walked by a store, in search for dettol talcum powder (thought it smelt nice..haha:) and i saw this lady with a fluffy poodle... manz! so cute:) then i just commented that the dog is very cute.. hahaha:) and the kind lady told the poodle to sit down and the poodle came over and started licking me all over without even the slightest hesitation, without even knowing that i'm a stranger.. hahaha:) so cute!!! my goodness:) and the poodle's only three years old and she's toilet trained, knows how to shake hands, how to obey orders, how to sit, know which hand to shake hands with... as in, if i dun want the right hand, i can just tell the dog, she'll raise the other hand:)
so niCe of the doG:) *grInz* dogs give out love unconditionally i conclude:)
by the way, the dog that made my day is called Nicky:)
today's a terribly horrendous day...
or maybe it's not too bad afterall, 'cos i did a lot of thinking today...
results back today... i failed my additional mathematics paper with a percentage of 46.8 something... and scored only 64 for my higher chinese paper.
by the way, miss lee told me i failed biology... two failures from my class and one from the other. and miss choo kindly told me that i got a 9 out of 12 for my picture desciption (average as she calls it 'cos most people got a 10 or a 11) and that overall, i managed to hit an A2... manZ! an A2 is like 14 out of 20. is my oral that bad? maybe it is. maybe i'm just too blind to hear it out. maybe i've been too deaf to hear my mistakes, too blind to spot my bad characteristics.
seriously, i don't know what to say. i tried to stay cheerful, to be okay... to disallow my tear ducts from reacting... but i couldn't. i just CAN'T think of myself as part of the community... and not as an individual. 'cos without the others, I won't exist at all. but i can't! i can't even empathise with others...i did try... putting myself in nina's shoes... feeling the disappointment she probably feels 'cos she's used to having higher marks, instead of like being deducted 12 marks in 3 qns... but i simply can't do that for everyone. i nearly snapped (nearly... i didnt' in the end, luckily)at nina... and for the entire maths lesson, during recess and for the rest of the day, i was just feeling really bad... emotionally drained, and physically ill.
I just couldn't trust myself anymore... i mean, hey manz, i'm supposed to be quite okay at higher chinese, i even studied so hard for it, and all i got was a B4... and BIOLOGY! of ALL subjects to faiL! i can't believe i failed bio. i never could believe when books go around 'claiming' that their hearts feel like it has been stabbed or something similar... until today. i felt like there were just two bundles of energy inside me, trying to break out, and that i'm desperately trying to hold onto loose soil, clinging on in fact. and the thing is... i didn't dare to voice it out too much... 'cos everyone has their own disappointments and problems as well, i don't wish to add to their sorrows or something. yet it's so hard to not do so u know... 'cos everyone's just looking for comfort, and i feel i shouldn't be so selfish as to ask for it as well.
that was when i realised that mother theresa was really great. her ability to empathise, to sympathise and to love everyone without judging them, it's something i'll never be able to do. she has defied the theory that all humans are selfish... and try hard as i may to become unselfish, i can't do so.
and mrs yong doesn't even believe that i've worked hard for the examinations...she was just there telling me that my attitude's the problem.
i wish there's some way to dig out the sad feeling inside of me.
or maybe it's not too bad afterall, 'cos i did a lot of thinking today...
results back today... i failed my additional mathematics paper with a percentage of 46.8 something... and scored only 64 for my higher chinese paper.
by the way, miss lee told me i failed biology... two failures from my class and one from the other. and miss choo kindly told me that i got a 9 out of 12 for my picture desciption (average as she calls it 'cos most people got a 10 or a 11) and that overall, i managed to hit an A2... manZ! an A2 is like 14 out of 20. is my oral that bad? maybe it is. maybe i'm just too blind to hear it out. maybe i've been too deaf to hear my mistakes, too blind to spot my bad characteristics.
seriously, i don't know what to say. i tried to stay cheerful, to be okay... to disallow my tear ducts from reacting... but i couldn't. i just CAN'T think of myself as part of the community... and not as an individual. 'cos without the others, I won't exist at all. but i can't! i can't even empathise with others...i did try... putting myself in nina's shoes... feeling the disappointment she probably feels 'cos she's used to having higher marks, instead of like being deducted 12 marks in 3 qns... but i simply can't do that for everyone. i nearly snapped (nearly... i didnt' in the end, luckily)at nina... and for the entire maths lesson, during recess and for the rest of the day, i was just feeling really bad... emotionally drained, and physically ill.
I just couldn't trust myself anymore... i mean, hey manz, i'm supposed to be quite okay at higher chinese, i even studied so hard for it, and all i got was a B4... and BIOLOGY! of ALL subjects to faiL! i can't believe i failed bio. i never could believe when books go around 'claiming' that their hearts feel like it has been stabbed or something similar... until today. i felt like there were just two bundles of energy inside me, trying to break out, and that i'm desperately trying to hold onto loose soil, clinging on in fact. and the thing is... i didn't dare to voice it out too much... 'cos everyone has their own disappointments and problems as well, i don't wish to add to their sorrows or something. yet it's so hard to not do so u know... 'cos everyone's just looking for comfort, and i feel i shouldn't be so selfish as to ask for it as well.
that was when i realised that mother theresa was really great. her ability to empathise, to sympathise and to love everyone without judging them, it's something i'll never be able to do. she has defied the theory that all humans are selfish... and try hard as i may to become unselfish, i can't do so.
and mrs yong doesn't even believe that i've worked hard for the examinations...she was just there telling me that my attitude's the problem.
i wish there's some way to dig out the sad feeling inside of me.
yeah... this is officially my public journal, for the eyes of my friends and people whom i do trust not to give out any important information which may just happen to appear in here:) i've decided to use the username daisytoots afterall... instead of bullsarebetter, as suggested by hui qing:) hahaha...
exams are finalLy over:) though it seems rather weird to be doing nothing much after having a certain goal everyday (eg. studying for elective literature and additional mathematics at the same time:)... we're getting our results back next week... hopefully i'll be able to pass chemistry and a-maths... oh welLz:) and probably physics as welLz:) getting back higher chinese tomorrow:) it wasn't a very niCe paper to do:)
hahaa:) toa payoh's NEW air-con interchange officially opened today. it's rather cool:) 'cos it seems like a mall instead of a bus interchange... probably because of all those shops around... they've got a sushi bar! *bEaMz* second one in toa payoh i've seen:) the first one's the Sakae Sushi bar which is in the entertainment centre... speaking of which, i seldom frequent that place, so it's not strange that i didn't see that sushi bar till like... uh-hmmz... a few months ago:) *grInz*
perhaps for the viewing pleasure of others, i shall type normally for the rest of the entry:)
reading this book by some visionary philosopher Sam Keen, titled 'To love and be loved'. wonderful ideas the author gave:) gave a lot of insight into the entire concept of love... for example, like ehz.. u know most of the time when we talk of love, we get reminded of the love between couples and such? okay fine... we do talk about love between family members, between friends and such, but MOST of the focus is on the romance in love, rightz?:) rightz:) well...he touches on love about (pardon while i quote, i'm not exactly very eloquent:) 'the family, the neighbourhood, the polios, the land, the wilderness, the community of nonhuman sentiment beings':)
there's something in pg 29 and 30 of the book which i found rather nice:)
When we say "love is a gift", we are reminded that sometimes it is simply bestowed to us. When we think this way, we might go as far as to define a good friendship, a good love affair, a good family, or a good society as one in which love is freely given and does not have to be earned or deserved.
When we say we are "swept off our feet" and "head over heels in love", we are reminded that passion may rush in like a tidal wave driven by some earthquake in the briny deep and smash every boat in a well-designed harbour.
When we say that love is "a basic need, a drive or instinct" we are reminded that at the very bottom love is something more than a happy occurence, something more than an emotion or feeling, something more than a way of acting. In philosophical language the impulse to love is said to be a "vocation" or "calling" that is "ontological" - rooted in the fundamental structure of our being (Thus Paul Tillich's definition: "Love is the ontological drive toward the reunion of the separated")
*heh* i have three more psychology books to read:) don't i sound learned? hahaha... but all these interest me you see:) the workings of the mind, the behaviour of people. well welLz:)
btw...darren hayes's birthday's on the same day as enrique iglesius:) if i didn't remember wrongly that is... both of them are born on the 8th of May:) listening to jennifer lopez now:) she sounds a little different in between the previous years and now:) but yeah, she still rules:) hahaha:) even fungi agrees with me on that point (i hope)
it's rather strange to visualise someone 5 years older than you being your junior:) hahaha:)
learning to empathise,
yeah... this is officially my public journal, for the eyes of my friends and people whom i do trust not to give out any important information which may just happen to appear in here:) i've decided to use the username daisytoots afterall... instead of bullsarebetter, as suggested by hui qing:) hahaha...
exams are finalLy over:) though it seems rather weird to be doing nothing much after having a certain goal everyday (eg. studying for elective literature and additional mathematics at the same time:)... we're getting our results back next week... hopefully i'll be able to pass chemistry and a-maths... oh welLz:) and probably physics as welLz:) getting back higher chinese tomorrow:) it wasn't a very niCe paper to do:)
hahaa:) toa payoh's NEW air-con interchange officially opened today. it's rather cool:) 'cos it seems like a mall instead of a bus interchange... probably because of all those shops around... they've got a sushi bar! *bEaMz* second one in toa payoh i've seen:) the first one's the Sakae Sushi bar which is in the entertainment centre... speaking of which, i seldom frequent that place, so it's not strange that i didn't see that sushi bar till like... uh-hmmz... a few months ago:) *grInz*
perhaps for the viewing pleasure of others, i shall type normally for the rest of the entry:)
reading this book by some visionary philosopher Sam Keen, titled 'To love and be loved'. wonderful ideas the author gave:) gave a lot of insight into the entire concept of love... for example, like ehz.. u know most of the time when we talk of love, we get reminded of the love between couples and such? okay fine... we do talk about love between family members, between friends and such, but MOST of the focus is on the romance in love, rightz?:) rightz:) well...he touches on love about (pardon while i quote, i'm not exactly very eloquent:) 'the family, the neighbourhood, the polios, the land, the wilderness, the community of nonhuman sentiment beings':)
there's something in pg 29 and 30 of the book which i found rather nice:)
When we say "love is a gift", we are reminded that sometimes it is simply bestowed to us. When we think this way, we might go as far as to define a good friendship, a good love affair, a good family, or a good society as one in which love is freely given and does not have to be earned or deserved.
When we say we are "swept off our feet" and "head over heels in love", we are reminded that passion may rush in like a tidal wave driven by some earthquake in the briny deep and smash every boat in a well-designed harbour.
When we say that love is "a basic need, a drive or instinct" we are reminded that at the very bottom love is something more than a happy occurence, something more than an emotion or feeling, something more than a way of acting. In philosophical language the impulse to love is said to be a "vocation" or "calling" that is "ontological" - rooted in the fundamental structure of our being (Thus Paul Tillich's definition: "Love is the ontological drive toward the reunion of the separated")
*heh* i have three more psychology books to read:) don't i sound learned? hahaha... but all these interest me you see:) the workings of the mind, the behaviour of people. well welLz:)
btw...darren hayes's birthday's on the same day as enrique iglesius:) if i didn't remember wrongly that is... both of them are born on the 8th of May:) listening to jennifer lopez now:) she sounds a little different in between the previous years and now:) but yeah, she still rules:) hahaha:) even fungi agrees with me on that point (i hope)
it's rather strange to visualise someone 5 years older than you being your junior:) hahaha:)
learning to empathise,