Sunday, August 10, 2008

Somehow or another, the topic of bgr and singlehood has been resurfaced in the topics surrounding my life once again (since 3-4 months ago).
could be due to the long overdue unfinished, unchased after article that beckons to be written.
could be due to same gender cg. haha. nice topic to open hearts.
could be due to people we know getting married. yay.
i've had quite a few random thoughts about this area these few weeks as well. lol.
i have been thinking about..
how glad i am for the sisters and brothers who got attached :) may they spur each other on in their love for God and in the vision God has given them :)
how the heart is deceitful above all the things :) haha. that in the past, there've been times when i did foolish things. oh well.
(gotta run. no more time. lol)
Have been reading 'not even a hint' by joshua harris. this is one thing i think we can continually remind ourselves about (amidst many other things written in the book).
"The opposite sex shouldn't be viewed as a bunch of potential partners - they are men and women created in God's image, whom Christ died to save. They're family! We are given not only the responsibility but also this amazing privilege of looking out for each other - even fighting and sacrificing for each other. This is what true love is about."
i think when this is put into perspective, it helps us to relate to each other more easily with purity, as well as to respect each other.
i don't have the gift of celibacy. there are times when i feel like getting someone close to hug (:P) amidst other things (:P). but then at these times i remind myself (amidst other reminders as well..) that even as we build each other up, we're helping each other to become the man/woman that the future partner is looking for. i'm glad, actually, that it's possible to have the purity in heart in relating to the opposite gender, that we can help each other along.. and at the end of the day, when i see a brother whom i've liked with the sister that he likes, i can't help but applaud the union that God has brought about. and i really thank God for the many things i've learned from brothers i'm close to as well :)

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