Friday, August 08, 2008

And a friend's a friend forever
if the Lord's the Lord of them

a very very small tribute (i like tributes these days:D) to the two deers (yes. it's a deliberate error:P)
i think it's a very unlikely friendship. haha. seeing that the three of us seem to be quite different (even if we disregard the gender difference).
i thank God that i got the chance to know the two of you though :) to see things from two other perspectives, to learn about life from two other points of view as well.
i still remember the exponential friendship curve we've had in the first three months. then after we knew each other kinda inside-out (ha ha ha ha ha), the curve flattens out a little. but the friendship remained :)
yup. let us continue to build each other up in our various ministries, continue to share our lives, continue to take pictures, continue to try different kinds of food :) lol. continue to have (non)daily convos and continue to give each other weird names:P
come join me in yp soon! (hahaha. kidding:D)
alternatively u two can get married and go to adults (okayokay. i'm kidding too:) later give pple wrong impression. then u two can have extra shepherding =)

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