Wednesday, August 08, 2007

woke up at 4am and realised that i've dozed off and ceased to wake up at 2am. haha. could hear the alarm ringing away in my parents' room as i went to take a bath. Could still hear the alarm ringing away after my bath O.o
Somehow or another, in the recent weeks, it's become clearer and clearer to me that my parents are not exactly very young anymore. And thus, in the recent weeks, the idea of saving up for my parents have kind of gotten stuck in my mind. It's relatively amusing to me when i keep receiving cash from all sorts of sources. Take for example, today at lab meeting. I went in, sat down, and promptly got requested by Dr Tan to sign beside my name to receive a small amount of cash for helping out in the first data collection. I was like 'Is that for me?' And there's another $25 next week to be collected from the computing department =) haha.
Not large sums of money, just pretty unexpected gifts of cash that were presented to me. And so, with the thought of having to save up in mind, I was evaluating to see if I would be able to survive now should my parents actually cease to be on this earth anymore (which has become more of a possibility now that my parents are aging more and more, and that my dad has recently started to forget a few things here and there. He's getting older:) Of course, the conclusion is that I can't survive on my own with my current savings. lol. Perhaps for a while, yes. but definitely not for long. Will probably have to quit going to school and work in MOE or something :)
What's the conclusion to the entire post?
It's important to save up xD

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