Tuesday, May 04, 2004

-when the oceans rise and thunders roar,
i will soar with You above the storms,
Father You are king over the flood,
i will be still
know You are God-
today presented itself with a few tests on obeying God's word. intriguing:)
and when you choose to deny yourself (even just for a little while) and hold onto God instead, God did interesting stuff in my life:)
take for example, the dear adorable bio test... i must really admit tt i hardly studied for it... 'cos of the ccas and what-nots. i selectively studied just right in the morning...and thankfully the bio test qns were actually quite okay. hehee:)
and many-a-times throughout the day, things happen which made me really wanna throw up my hands and say 'bah!' and just go home, take the day off and sleep or something. hhahaa. tempation to just be an escapist or to just complain about 'me, me and more mes'...(like tt tv ad one bright morning assembly)
but u see, life isn't about me.
i wanna live my life for Christ, and if i wanna live my life for Christ, i've gotta see things in His perspective, and to allow Him to help me see the world through Him.
and i see... i see disappointed faces, i see fatigue in others, i see people making the effort to encourage... lots of interesting things to see.
and i see... i see what Jesus would have done for them. Jesus would have sat down and talked to the disappointed faces, to console them, encourage them, inspire them. i see what Jesus would have said to the tired people, to offer to carry our burdens for us. Jesus would have gone to the root of all the problems and offered solutions to all of them. and that is to know Him personally.
Jesus would not have thought of Himself. His primary concerns were the people.
though i felt uncomfortable just putting down my 'rights' for a moment or two... i would have rather liked to stay neutral and let everything pass or something, i know that i have to take this baby step to grow as well. and i'm glad i did.
may i take even more steps in diminishing my pride and expanding the amount of love for others instead.
it's an answered prayer too:D yeah!:D

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