Thursday, January 09, 2003

hmmz.. turns out that for the biotech thingie...there are a lot of commitments attached.
first of all, one will have to stay in nyjc after the first three months 'cos it's a one year project... secondly, one has to give up wednesdays just for the project...and thirdly, one has to join science society as their first cca. ah wellz.
yeahyeah...officially seperated into our cts today:) i'm in 03S11B...the combi of bio, chem, econs and maths:) 21 people in my class...hahaha...7 guys...and 14 girls. whoa. double:) *grInz* form teacher's mrs tan. she's...quite nice:) that's my first impression of her anywayz:):):)
ho. so the person who founded Clonaid is actually called Rael...and have a cult called the Raelian Movement...whereby he believes that aliens called the Elohim came to earth goodness knows how long ago and cloned human. ho-humm.

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