Monday, January 27, 2003

ah wellz:) yesterday's 'study session (hohohoho)' was very nice...all the exchanging of dance moves, songs and whatever nonsense...then the playing of asshole daidee (hahaha) and bridge (woohoo!) and everything else:)
and i miss you all terribly now! went home and kept having the impression that i'll see you all today...that we're still the class we used to be (or classes:) nygep '99 rocks manZ!
today wasn't very nice...dunno why. but i feel as if however hard i try, i'll never be accepted or something like that. so i kept quiet to myself all day long...and i forgot to do chem tutorial 2...though mrs tan was nice enough to not say anything... and i had to get stuck in the same group as jie yu for the group for setting of current affairs question...when just the day before he apologized for sorta ignoring me on saturday 'cos he has nothing to talk to me about. so yeah.didn't talk. didn't talk during chem, didn't talk during bio, didn't talk during econs lecture, had a bit of fun with og during chem lecture...where i started passing around the 'talking paper'...hahaha...but my ct was sitting behind me and kept teasing may or something.
okay. may is supposedly the girl that jie yu likes. so i was sitting down there, listening to everything they say. ah wellz.
then basketball...shooting so terrible today...okay maybe not so terrible... but my playing was so lousy today... got a tad affected 'cos of marcus and jie yu down there watching. and because of the lack of sleep..then me, candy and liling had to run four runs around the estate...and i stopped at the 3 and a half round to walk a bit...just a bit...but nevertheless i walked. manz. so lousy of me.
so today i felt rather shi1 bai4. being with my og cheered me up a lot though:) 'cos i feel that my og people never judge me..and everything...and that i have found true friends in them:) weiyang, you rong, colin, kim hong, rosa, darlene and xiao qian:) ernie is on and off, on and off...
not that my ct people are not good, they're surprisingly nice:) but...dunno. could be that we haven't had any experiences yet. ah wellz. and i still miss nygep '99. *sniff*

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