Wednesday, December 04, 2002

-somehow somewhere i've got to choose
no matter if it's win or lose-
couldn't sleep last night...went to bed at 12.45am after reading ...then kept tossing and turning... and more tossing and turning. the time that i finally fell asleep was sometime after my dad's alarm rang (at 4am) . *growls* and i faintly remember that ej's waking up at 4+. how fun.
i was just's easy to have crushes and all that. and fantasize about stuff (clean thoughts *cough*) and yearn for the person, hoping that by chance, the person will like you back or something. it's another thing to actually get into a relationship, to actually find out that the person u had a crush on likes u afterall. the thought is scary. 'cos you don't know what to do. there's no like 'guide for what to do in a relationship'...u have no preparation for what's's a whole new territory. kinda like one being lost in a marshland.
and i do wish people won't joke about such stuff. it'll make the already confusing world much simpler:)
-you don't know 'cos things ain't clear-

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