Sunday, December 15, 2002

i'm sleepy. not used to getting up at 7am now that i've been getting up at 9 ++. ah wellz.
have to go early to aunt's house. cousin's wedding:) *grInz* we're going there to receive the groom. hahaha:) groom's going to be there early. like 8+... ah wellz. mum said that groom's afraid of not marrying my cousin. hehee:)
had a not-so-pleasant dream last night...consisted of two entire different segments. hehe:) first part consisted of me, qingz, jitsy and isobel going to some studio or something and actually two famous people. *beamz* two korean stars. hahaha:) then we went out the studio and i was spouting some stuff about...think i was feeling melancholy in my dream or something. and qingz was asking me stuff too. then we sat on a bus to the interchange. and that's all that i can remember.
now that i think of seems to be a sequel to this mrt dream that i had a few days ago. how fun.
the second part of dream was plain mean. i dreamt that i was being pursued by be killed or something. (note: throughout the whole dream, i still didn't run. ah wellz.) the first section showed me being tortured by the people (*boggle*) and i managed to run away...and my whole family was trying to save me or something. dad was driving me away from all the people chasing after me...and we didn't know where to go, so we crashed into this departmental store where they had this life big enough to contain vehicles (*cough*?) but people started to press on the lift and coming in... and we wanted to close the lift but they insisted. so we had to allow all the people to come in...and there were a lot of packages as well. anywayz, when we reached the fifth storey, the people chasing us actually peered in to see, but we were covered by all the people around...and when they asked 'anyone called xinying here?', my mum spoke up and said 'no', ah wellz.
when we reached the first storey, i remembered telling my dad that the police station is most probably the safest place for me to be in...and he tried to drive me to the police station, going against the traffic. but he couldn't reach fast enough...and so i dropped at this place with two of which is a gift shop which i went to before. 'cos i was thinking, they can't possibly grab me in front of other people. hehehe.
anywayz, in the gift shop, i remembered mustering up my courage to ask this person the name...always wanted to ask...but ah wellz. and told the person my situation and asked to get escorted to the police station. think that's when my dream ended...'cos the stupid alarm starting sounding.
ah wellz. still a not-so-pleasant dream.

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