Sunday, December 29, 2002

oooooh. i shall take the last few minutes of my internet time to type out this blog...
having a stomachache now but what the heck. can't possibly run to the toilet and back again. hahaha:) reminds me of a cartoon. ah wellz. nvm:)
was just re-reading (and deleting) e-mails that have been residing in my hotmail inbox for an eternity. went on a shmoooozal of an emotional rollercoaster ride. aww shucks. i do miss the times when i still type like thIs:) *grInZ* lots of gOoD huMoUr arOunD, vErY niCe inDeEd... seems like a whole year's worth of memories are being stored in the inbox...ze good and ze very, vErY -bad-.... hahaha:)
ah wellz. shall type about this nice girl who (in my opinion) looked like she should be heading for the beach instead. oh. but she's very nice:) *beamz* nice girl in the library. seems to be about our age too.
ah yes. why she's nice. 'cos of my need for a comp to check the stupid e-mails, and her kindness in offering to give up ze comp when she still has like 15 mins or so left. nice nice nice people ze library.
i have 5 mins left. sighz. so boring.

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