Sunday, October 20, 2002

the singapore street team's meeting today at 11am. at woodlands library. and i can't go. so sad.
ah wellz. they don't have to study for their O levels...i do.
going to miss ng's house later..meeting them at 11.30 to eat lunch. major chem day. i think i may just have a headache before leaving her house:) *grInz* nah...just kidding. miss ng seems to be rather delighted about us going to her house. how strange. oh wellz. she seems much more relaxed than in school anywayz.
yesterday's ajc open house was quite fun:) went with qingz and huiyuan:) *grInz* though the multi-purpose hall's really small and we had to find our way around the hall by avoiding all the whizzing tennis balls and flying netballs (being abused by the male basketballers) and people playing badminton. we talked to the teachers... with the literature teachers being totally amused about goodness knows what..(they're nice nonetheless, assuring us that literature can be taken in the jc without former lit background *lol*) and the maths teacher being super ernest. ah wellz:)
oh yeah...we saw the cheerleaders as well..there was this girl who was trying to balance on this guy... ah wellz. she looked a bit pissed off, and i pity the guy. all the guys are really bigsized and mascular..while yeah, the girls are small, tiny, thin.. blahblah. but the female went to hug the guy after managing to do so afterall, so i guess everything's okay. we went to the library as well, having missed our chance of going to the hcjc library... read through this newspaper about graduate's choice and what-nots (qingz spotted it first:) and were choosing scholarships. *heh*:) must work hard.
and we've determined that the minimum number of ccas one should join is ensure that we can get a chance of getting 5 marks for cca. ah wellz.
let me move on:)
read this book called 'a wild justice' by alex keegan. about a murder. and the description of how the murder is so gruesome. anywayz, that's not important...the thing is the person murdered is actually a paedophile (hope i've got the spelling right) and that the murderer is killing him 'cos of what he has done to other in short, the murderer is half a humanitarian as he's killing paedophiles to help all those poor children around the country...but half a beast as well... 'cos of what he does to the murderer. (basically castrated him, ehz then dried up the wound with a hot iron, i can't remember the word, cooked the organ, forced the paedophile to eat it, and chopped off his fingers, his ears, his nose and his lips after he's dead.)
and you wonder what's more gross, the evilness of the murder, or the obscene acts done by the paedophiles.
the sadness of it all is that the crimes described in the book are all real. happened in real-life. there are children being abused. to the extent that they get corrupted.
the monstrosity of it all.

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