Monday, October 07, 2002

today felt strange. a new seat yields you new perspectives and views.
and it does make me feel smarter. *lol*
must be the diffusion of brain cells from weezi's seat. and everyone else surrounding me.
i'm kidding:)
miss choo will probably find A LOT of lit stuff in my 'for the first time in his life, he felt truely free.' essay or something similar. i wrote in the line of 'man is born free, but everywhere he goes, he is in chains.'...and i eh wellz, copied something about the kite poem. hehehe. oh well. will probably do not very well for it. nevermind about it:) it was a new style i was trying out:)
and i still don't get the 'how have you been? (been???)' joke. ah wellz.
i should go off the comp now. the song's reminding me of the line i committed to memory from 'the translator'.
"tears need no translation."
same scenario. different people. same helplessness.

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