Thursday, October 17, 2002

i've finished 'from the mouth of babes' as's about the story of three different people - one arrogant (julian), one destructive(gary), and the third probably the only person who can help both parties (grizelda). rather intricate plot. heh:) writing style's not exactly considered as brilliant, but the ideas presented are quite cool as well:) it's basically a tale of how their childhoods affect the people they are going to be later.
another book that i forgot to mention was 'i had seen castles' by cynthia rylant. it's about war. allows you to have the opportunity of entering the mindset of people at that time. short and sweet. wonderful books:)
i had a dream of a totally different genre from the dreams i usually have...hehe:) usually i get really emotional dreams... sadness, disappointments, exuberance, delight, despair, excitement ...yesterday's dream was... okay fine, it was emotional as well. but that wasn't what stayed with me throughout the was the simple question posed in the dream which kept bugging me. 'cos i don't know the answer at all.
not at all. i thought i knew. i thought i figured it all out.
then i realised i have no notion, not even a faint idea of what my answer to that question is. i don't know what i want.
and what if i don't want it at all?
currently i don't. but i'm not sure i want to give it all up. it's that tugging of the heartstrings (*grInz* in bio it'll be chordae tendinae, or something similar...someone correct my spelling) that pulls at you... oh wellz:)
let's just give myself a chance first.

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