Thursday, October 31, 2002

*hah* i feel more on track now:) my day's full of things to do!:) nice and fruitful, just the way i like it:)
it feels worse than school though. at least school we rest and play and get let off at 2 +. now i get out of the house earlier than ever, and comes back at 6 +. ah bah.
oof. 10 hours in school:) 8 hours to sleep. 2 hours for television. *heh* for 'monk in the bag' and 'armed reaction 2' that leaves me four hours to do my work. how wonderful:) it doesn't feel like that. OH. i forgot about the two hours gone hour for travelling and one hour at mcdonald's eating breakfast. that leaves me two hours for finishing five comprehensions by tonight.
i guess that means no armed reaction 2. so sad. *sobsob*
i thought what they said (the mei ri yi tan, when directly translated, will become, a talk a day ---which of course makes no sense, but u can roughly guess the meaning:) in 'monk in the bag' is quite cool:)
something about this nun saying that she dreamt that she was a small wave in the sea with all the big waves and she felt sad 'cos she's so small (*boggles* but oh wellz)...and the monk saying how she should just have thought of herself as a drop of water, 'cos all waves are made of water, and every wave is essentially the same. just like us, all of us are essentially the same, for we're all human, and we are all equal:)
oh wellz:) miss choo told me to remember some quotes about life and what-nots...then i can use them in the exams:)
btw, she's currently learning french!
i only know a few phrases of french.
je m'appelle tan xin ying.
merci beaucoup.
au revoir:)

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