Monday, September 30, 2002

i still can't taste anything:) *heh*
-she's taking her time making up the reasons,
to justify all the hurt inside,
guess she knows, from the smiles and the look in their eyes,
everyone's got a theory about the bitter ones-
whole bunch of nonsense today. non-sense. non-cents. nononono. not dollars. thankew. i forgot to bring my money to school too...only had like... $2 in my wallet. ah wellz. and i sincerely thought we were going to hy's house to do physics. double ah wellz. going for stupid wedding dinner tonight. don't even know the stupid person. oh. it's my dad's dad's brother's daughter is getting a son-in-law. which means that my dad's cousin from his paternal side is getting a son-in-law. how nice.
how confusing.
i wonder what'll happen if i really get bad results for my o levels... then i'll really be devastated. triple ah wellz.
-there's hope in the darkness-

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