Saturday, September 07, 2002

"Don't be discouraged by failure. It can be a positive experience. Failure is, in a sense, the highway to success, in as much as every discovery of what is false leads us to seek earnestly after what is true, and every fresh experience points out some form of error which we shall afterwards carefully avoid." - John Keats
there's the magazine 'psychology today' in our school library. just realised it today. *grInz* and what do i find inside? a sex education video which guarantees a 100% satisfaction or some sort of a simiLarity. hah. oh btw, there's actually a hormone that relates to the motherly/fatherly instinct inside all of's call crytosine or something...
on a darker note. don't ever consume thallium. you may just die of thallium poisoning. and people will think you have died of natural causes. evil type of poison i tell ya. and it's easily obtained. *shudders*
the mensa books in the library provides very good entertainment. though some are really irritating. and tedious. you can try the sleuth one:) that one's quite fun. hahaha:) crap jitsy was scaring me by saying that the time is up when it hasn't even reached four minutes. *bonkz jitsy* and she kidnapped my scrunchie! *conkconkconk* how am i going to keep my hair up during the exams i ask you? hmmz.
saw jasmine and geraldine when i took the bus home today. got the 'lilo and stitch' vcd from jasmine. hahaha. imagine my surprise when i saw her take the vcd out of her bag when i asked them if they have the vcd. *heh* geraldine and i walked jasmine back to her house before proceeding to take 238 from the outside. we talked about... hamsters. and whether they do have periods. oh well. geraldine's sadistic. she kept asking if you'll be able to see the bones and blood and everything if the mother hamster eats up her babies.
yileng ahz. your juniors.

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