Monday, June 24, 2002

- I love Rock N' Roll
So put another dime in the jukebox, Baby
I love Rock N' Roll
So come and take your time and dance with me -
hahaha:) that's a rather nice song:) i've figured i don't mind rock... just not TOO rock... and definiteLy NOT METAL.
ooh... something i've received from emazing...
Notice: Our company requires no further physical fitness programs. Everyone gets enough exercise:

jumping to conclusions,
beating around the bush,
running down the boss,
going around in circles,
dragging their feet,
dodging responsibility,
passing the buck,
climbing the ladder,
wading through paperwork,
pulling strings,
throwing their weight around,
stretching the truth,
bending the rules,
and pushing their luck!

*grInz* so interesting... i wonder if mum will allow me to go to the fitness club later... considering that today's the starting of the school days and everything eLse:) i've realised that i kinda miss school. hahaha:) it's the -friends-factor- i tell you. you miss the company terribly when you don't see them:) *heh*
oh wellz. shall go down now:) i kinda miss the ladder-stepper too:) hahahaa:) oh guess what? there's actualLy an equipment calLed the Ab-shaper. how funny:)

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