Thursday, June 20, 2002

i had a dream this morning... it was rather strange, a rather new dream to me... 'cos though the theme is dark, the dark side of the dream seemed almost like a summary, and the main part is focused on the later part, when the colors seem rather vibrant and the setting is almost normal:)
wat's so strange about it is that i didn't particularly feel any strong emotions in it... like fear or anxiety or something. not much anywayz.
yes, anywayz, my dream:) it starts off with this knowledge that i've been terribly abused... and that in order to escape, i have indirectly killed my abuser. btw, my abuser's a female and in my dream, someone i know specifically, of whom the name i shall not mention. be rest assured it's none of my best friends though:) yes anywayz, so i indirectly killed her, and the police are puzzled onto how to rate this case, for i have been abused as well. well, this whole part was very short, and of course, the colors are rather dark - purple, black and lots of shadows. no blood though. i do remember there was a scene of my abuser dying though.
the main part of the dream was that i was walking with fungi and telling her about what i have done. something about 'i don't know whether i'll go to jail" and blah we walk, we came onto this overhead bridge (covered overhead bridge rather) and met someone i knew... i didn't really care much about talking to that person, just went on telling fungi. then gradually we stopped talking and just walked on. (we're on the streets now..some sort of a basar malam thinGie... a lot of stalls and a lot of aisles..) then i saw two of my juniors and i waved hi to them. they didn't seem to know me though. and last of all, we just chose one of the aisles to walk into... and i asked her if she wants to look at the right side, and she wanted the left or something. the dream ended off with both of us looking at purple clothing.
somehow or another, i woke up thinking about career choices... how strange.

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