Friday, June 07, 2002

hmmmz. didn't allow me to 'post and publish' my entry yesterday... so currently i can't really recall what i wrote about yesterday...:)haha:) oh welLz... basically, yesterday i went to Seoul Garden to eat and went to the UK funfair. spent about $45 there... took three rides (Wild Mouse, Space Fall and Frisby) and played a whole variety of games:) hahaha:) well... it was rather fun i guess... though i feel extremely exhausted.
yes today:) today wasn't too clear either...all i've remembered is that i slept during the last 20 mins of physics 'cos i was too tired. woke up @ 5 today to finish up and touch up on qingz's testimonial:) hope it sounds niCe enough:) i think it sounded rather cooL:) hahaha:)
- sometimes late at night
i lie awake and watch her sleeping -
went to nina's house with fungi to watch the taped NBA finaLs of New Jersey against the Lakers. they can really jump really high... and they return to their positions very fast... no wonder they're (as nina called them) 'cream of the crop'....:)
i feel like i'm merely dictating what i did today... really terribLe. i can't think much today... 'cos i'm too sleepy. oh wellz.
someone's present's going rather well though:) hahaha:) *beamz* thankz to very niCe peopLe:) oh yeah! i forgot to say... i met adeline at the funfair. so interesting:) lady luck's with me:)
i can't blog properly today. aarGh.

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