Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Today I saw...
Damien! :D
Most of the time he has the 'eh, what's going on' look, but the times when he smiles, ah. so adorable. hahaha.
He likes to give me the egg. haha. and doesn't like green vege. He likes beef, but doesn't like the fish. And he likes to stir the pot of soup :D
When he calls people, he only knows how to call for 'korkor'. Doesn't know how to say 'jiejie' o.o||
He's 15...
months old.
He's the offspring of my cousin and his wife Tammy :) (sadly, i know the wife's name, but forgot my cousin's =D)
Tammy says that her family consists of guys.. possibly why Damien only knows how to call for 'korkor'. haha. faint.
oh. i'm super amazed at the sophistication of toys for children nowadays. The stove he was playing at came with effects for a boiling soup and a frying pan O.o Recent investigations into the prices of different toys have caused me to wonder how much money I'll have to set aside for my own children (if I do have in the future) for the area of toys O.o
i still like toddlers more though. i like children ages 2 and above. hahaha.

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