Thursday, January 29, 2009

hahaha. I've been wanting to post this post for some time.. but delayed it because
1) wanted to prevent funny questions being shot at me
2) no time to sit down and type this out
3) had other things to think about.
Anyway, was reading the book 'Becoming what God intended' when the topic of the hebrew word 'love' came up. The hebrew word for 'love' which was used in the bible to describe God's love towards us, a husband's love towards his wife (to Hebrews) and a deep abiding friendship is 'ahavah' (meaning obtained from here.
According to the writer, 'ahavah' means to have a passionate delight in someone. In my own interpretation, a passionate delight probably means that you're passionately in love with the person, and that the person himself/herself brings great delight and joy to your heart. passionately in love will entail the willingness to sacrifice and intense liking. The love presented is one that is both deep and complete. It's more than just a romantic fling. Ahavah-love is intense, personal and passionate, and sacrificial.
The writer wrote that if you have the chance to go back and ask an ancient Hebrew about ahavah-love, the three qualities will always surface. i quote:
'If you asked him if you could have romantic love for just about anybody, he would think that was a strange question. In his culture, ahavah was only for the person who had gripped the heart. If you asked him if ahavah was a mild emotion, he would think the question was just dumb. Romance was always intense! If you asked him if ahavah-love was indifferent to the needs of the beloved, he would reply that the lover might even sacrifice his life for the beloved.'
Personally, i find it very fascinating. Fascinating on two accounts:
1) That's the love that God loves us with! No one else will do. Each and everyone of us have gripped His heart. He loves us intensely, passionately, personally. He doesn't want just a romantic fling. His love for us is deep, and complete.
2) That's how couples should love each other. I think we'll agree that the society today cheapens love. But when compared beside the standard of love that God has given in the bible for couples, the contrast becomes so much greater.
Crushes are out. So are those mini-kites that are sometimes placed there because it feels good to have someone to think and muse about. A bit like wasting of emotions. lol.
Not just in keeping purity of body and in mind, but in the purity of heart too.
That's my stand anyway. Think some people might think it's a very silly stand to take, or it's too ideal, or whatsoever.. I will hold onto that definition and test every kind of liking that comes along my way. lol.

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