Thursday, July 26, 2012

Sometimes I think that one of my purposes in life is to let other people know that one can have diffculties and still go through them, or maybe to be able to identify on a personal level what people go through, and to maybe share what may be helpful and what may not be so helpful?
haha. i thank God I've never gone through some stuff (e.g. rape, bullying, hallucinations), but I've pretty much had other interesting stuff around.
more of the areas which i'm really passionate about I guess.
and I really do enjoy the whole range of emotions which God has created me to be able to experience as well, cos it makes my life so much more colourful (though of course going through them was not very fun).
And I really take heart in knowing that Jesus understands what I go though as well. that I have a high priest who can identify with my every need. haha.
i also find it amusing that what I have are pretty obscure/taboo/secretive things? like people may have a misunderstanding towards it, or don't want to go near it, or don't want to talk about it. I guess it's important to educate people on it.
There were times when I felt frustrated/pissed off cos of certain things people may say which are so judgemental, but I think nowadays I do try to explain a little bit more. haha
the thorns in my flesh. if it's not for them, i'd probably be less dependent on God. hahahaha

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