Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I find it interesting how some aspects of ourselves don't change. was reading my entries from 2002 (haha. yes sometimes i do things like this to see how much I've changed and how much I've not), and I realized that  I still echo the same sentiments now at 26 (versus at 16).
"i like talking to people:) like actualLy u noe... talking to them in real-life, not just online or something...
'cos in real-life u can hear the voice, and u can actually try to visualize how the voice would look like... like perhaps very round or just a deep pool of water or maybe it's like really airy or somethinG:) then u can feel the emotions they're radiating out... and occasionally touch can be established:) it feels satisfying to be touching someone... the ruffling of the hair, the patting of the back..."
--> of course, I don't type like the above anymore. haha. but the sentiments are really pretty similar.

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