Saturday, June 11, 2011

To live one's passion means to be prepared to take a leap out of the comfort zone which is certainly not an easy thing to do. But there is a method which may help you do this easier. Take a look at yourself in the mirror. Now think about all the things that you could be doing. You are now looking at the one person preventing you from fulfilling your passion - how do you feel about that?

Many folks "wait for the right timing" before making a leap but there is never a right timing. What these folks are actually waiting for is a "comfortable exit" and there is no such thing. Living a passion is not an easy thing to come by and is only rewarded to those who take risks. Taking a risk willy nilly could be a bad thing but there is such a thing as a calculated risk.

--> yea man. though i believe that there is an actual right timing.. heh. but i also believe that sometimes we miss that right timing because we continue to be fearful of taking that leap. it's a balance between waiting on God for the right timing and taking the leap of faith ba. if it's the wrong timing, and u take a leap, it's not a leap of faith. haha. it's a leap of recklessness. hahaha

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