Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Things that I would never be able to understand:

1) the love of God. why did He choose me to love me, to bless me, to help me, to be with me, to desire for me to grow, to desire for me to be in fellowship with Him?

2) the love of parents. despite being annoyed with them at times, why the desire to take care, the bothersome caring and fussing over?

3) the love of brothers and sisters in church. like, erm. we're not even related by blood. but the fact that we're bound by Spirit has caused me to witness love that i've not experienced before. what is friendship when compared to unconditional love shown? who am i to you that you would accept my nonsensical ways and still love me?

4) the love of my friends. haha. i think i know fantastic friends. fantastic people doing fantastic things in their lives. of all people, why choose me as your friend?

5) the forgiveness that i've received from various people in my life. i am truly humbled. that despite the wrongs i've done to people, or the inadequacies i've shown to them, or unfaithful moments, that they forgive me, and sometimes even affirm me.

6) the grace of God. that many a times, despite me doing nothing, or being unfaithful, or doing lots of boo boos, Your grace worked through me (and the fact that You still allowed Your grace to work through me O_o have i not muddled up Your plans enough? and yet, the audacity of me to think that i can meddle up God's plans. haha) that produced beautiful fruit in people. lovely people who desire to love You and desire to be obedient.

7) how people can leave God despite knowing Him.

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