Wednesday, November 24, 2010

i find it hard to explain to people the concept of how a day feels like a week to me. and a week like a month.
imagine that a day is like a path. some people walk straight down the path 'cos they go through the day, and takes the day as it is.
when i walk down that same path, i don't stay on the path and just walk down. perhaps physically i am, but my mind wanders away from the path and explores the flowers at the side, breathes in the fresh air and stays there for a while, mulls over the scenery on the left and right, may have sat down by the path to ponder and think, wanders off a little, discovers new things and comes back.
i find it immensely hard to not have an outlet for sharing, primarily 'cos of the fact that the things that appear in my mind per day are of a large volume. not that i am very intellectual and i think a lot, or that i am particularly reflective, i'd consider it more of the fact that I like to evaluate myself and my thoughts in that particular situation. i like to evaluate the situation and attach theories. hahaa.
i hope this gives a glimpse of what it means to me when a day feels like a week.

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