Thursday, September 16, 2010

Watched 'Devil' today. It's the first part of the Night Trilogies by M Night Shyamalam (hope i got the name right. hehe). He also did Lady in the Water, of which the derive wallpaper was on my lappie creeping everyone out but me. hahaha. I loveddd the wallpaper :)
Sadly, not a lot of people liked the movie.
I can't remember much of it though.
but 'devil' was an interesting concept :D
It was about 5 people trapped in the lift, and one of them being the devil in human form. It's not a complex plot.. but there's some lessons to be learned behind it :) and the deaths are done quite tastefully. it's not gore. but beware, it is a thriller.
can go watch it if you want :) haha
watching it alone was :\ though. lol. same feeling i had when i watched 'Shutter Island'. will prob be nicer watching with someone else ba. hahaa. but wellus.

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