Friday, September 24, 2010

Am inspired by a blog to do projects, to stick to it one at a time, to finish it and in the process, to learn, to research and to immerse myself in the topic/project of choice until I see its end.

Am also inspired to want to put more logic and sequence into the thoughts I have (though even as I type this, there’s a part in my brain that is screaming out ‘but it’d stifle creativity! We want to be random! [and even as I typed this halfway, other things captured my attention and drew it away, such that I only came back to {and before I could finish this statement, I got distracted by others again and only came back to type this at 12am} type this at 10.40am] We want to be able to multitask and complete many different things within the same period of time! Life is short! We want to burst out with songs and prose and poems!’. Hahaa.

[And work came, and students came, and other articles came, and other things to do came into my mind, and I stopped writing this article all the way till 3:46pm when I picked it up again.]

So at this moment, I am wondering to myself what kind of projects I should embark on, as well as how to define the projects (in terms of time frame, deadline, what I’d need to do. I figure that perhaps when I want to start on one, I should
1) Give it a name.

A name defines the scope and purpose of the project. It also signifies an official starting. I like names. I think when one names something, or nicknames something, one owes it. It becomes personal. It is now yours. I like having things which are mine. Haha.

(Calls from parents came in at this juncture.)

(It is rather sad to note that I’ve written another Microsoft word page of the blog post, but the post has since diminished by 2/3 due to the crashing of my Microsoft Word, without me knowing why. What remains is just the memory of what I have typed, and the end result that is obtained, without actually having the thought process coming in. This is a rather saddening event, but I guess at least it’s an important work document or something which I have to re-do )

I figured out that I need to do four more things.

2) Define a scope
3) Set a deadline
4) Set target goals
5) Define, acquire and read the resources which I need to help me on my project.

Defining a scope would help me to know exactly what it is that is encompassed within the name of the project, rather than having it float anywhere and everywhere. In today’s date, it is actually quite possible to link two rather unrelated items, say for example. Eyelashes and mango. Or something similar to that extent. Setting a deadline helps me to know how much time I have left. While setting target goals helps me to know when I’ve achieve what I need to do and to move on from the project. It can also help me to gauge how much I can achieve within that timeline set.

I’d have to take some time to figure out as to what project I would like to embark on. Am currently on operation budget (which has a name, and no scope or deadline), and have set a deadline to clean and tidy my room by end of year (this one has no name. haha).

Hope that this will keep life interesting and will also serve to help myself equip myself with interesting things which can be learned in life. Looking forward to it! :D

Oh yes. I figured I would post it in my other blog instead. Since that is super un-updated.

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