Sunday, December 14, 2008

Wanna thank God for the three people who just joined poly side counter:)
I think as a ministry leader, I'm not the most faithful..
but God still is.
He's never failed to send in people to counter when they're needed. people who have a genuine desire to serve, people who have a genuine desire to learn. haha.
i was pretty amused by the people God's sent in today. haha. alright with the first, but quite amused at the second. you know sometimes as a leader, your ministry attracts a similar type of person as you as the shape and feel of the ministry is affected by who's in it.. so in a sense, when i saw the brother, i was like 'wow. shy and quiet. first time. hahaa'
guess the ministry's evolving even at this moment :)
talked to Gary about things yesterday before he went off.. talked to celestine not too long ago. Thank God for the two of them:) the counter's going to be in their hands soon.
feeling a certain sort of reluctance. a certain form of nostalgia, a tinge of relief.
i have lots of thoughts, they're kinda entangled. and kinda melting into one another. can't tease them out as of yet. will type more when i do :)

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