Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Thought I'll just type this out before I forget :)
Recently Chi has been doing two things - having a fever and diarrhoea everyday (which one will realize is not a good thing to have, if you've ever had both together before:) As google is one of my best friends, I've decided to consult it to find out if
a) i need to bring her to the vet
b) it's a serious condition
It turns out that
a) I do need to bring her to the vet
b) it is a very serious condition (seems like having diarrhoea more than two days is dire for the cat O.o
Of course, considering that
a) i have no money to bring her to the vet.
b) Even if it's a serious condition, the no money part still stands,
all I could do was to give her lots of hugs, pats, strokes, quality food, clean water (which she doesn't drink) and observe her poo and her actions a little more.
It turns out that after a few days from the onset of diarrhoea and fever, she was
a) still having fever, though it comes and goes.
b) still having diarrhoea (which stinks:S)
So yesterday, I prayed for her. prayed for God to heal her.
and today,
a) she still has slight fever, but it doesn't seem to affect her activity level
b) she's got no more diarrhoea! (though she still has soft stools)
yay. thank God :)
and fearing that she may be consuming her own hair when she cleans herself ('cos she's now of age to shed fur:S) and after delaying for some time, i've finally gotten a pet brush from daiso (my faithful source of pet items. lol)
chi likes it:D hahaha. so funny. now i've got a double sided brush with cat hair :S
but i'm glad she's fine :)
was quite funny today when she jumped onto the table and went to look at the printer. she kinda accidentally stepped on the reload paper button and the printer which started to whirl, scared her. lol.
after the printer stopped whirling, chi used her paw to hit the printer and hissed at it. hahahahaa. super funny.
her new enemy=D

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