Friday, December 19, 2008

my mum asked me in chinese: 'are you going to use the comp till it's daylight?'
lol. my dad's awake. haha.
i know it's not sustainable, but nighttime is always so much more productive for me.
it's like in the day, you need to make sure u get the stuff u need to get ('cos the shops dun open at night) and meet the people u wish to meet ('cos people don't go out at night for no reason and 'cos transportation is super ex at night). haha.
but at night, you can take your time, do the things u've always wanted to do. plan out stuff, do some arts and craft, be amused by chi.
i like the morning too, though i'm usually asleep then. haha
today is a tiring day.
went to daiso to get more storage bags for my books and to look for something which i need (couldn't find it there in the end). then went to spotlight to look for the same thing. haha. afterwhich, i took a bus down to bras basah. thank God that the store was still open! hahaa. actually, i think they showed the Closed sign, but i rushed in without realizing it. haha. oh well.
then was going over to This Fashion 'cos they were having 20-60% (doesn't seem to have 60% discount for anything at all. everything's at 20% - if you're a non-member, and 30%-if you're a member. hmm) discount. oh yes, was going over there when upon crossing the road, i saw jalea, regina and joe! (they saw me too! lol) and upon crossing the road once more, yizhong appeared behind us. lol.
i'm sleepy. so imma stop typing.
poor chi seems to be sick again :S

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